Chapter Four

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            ⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

After a while Jan and my dad rented us a home in downtown San Jose and it was absolutely perfect. Me and Benny shared a room even tho there were more than enough for us to have our own.

When Jim and his buddies were setting up our rooms he let me and Benny choose a room color and we both decided on sky blue. When it came to who got the top bunk that was a bit of a "I want the top.." "no I want the top!" type of argument. Which quickly deescalated with the perfectly timed mention of pizza.

In the end I agreed to the bottom bunk which later to me was the best decision because I could put a blanket up and have my own fort that I could escape to.

Our first weekend we were there I was out front playing when an older kid came walking up to me with two smaller boys in tow. The older kid who I later learned was named Jace told me his younger brothers wanted to play with me and my brother.

I was so excited that I ran inside and grabbed Benny telling him how we HAD to go outside because we were going to make friends. We both ran back outside together and the two younger neighbor boys were waiting for us with anticipation. We introduced ourselves.

"I'm Benny and this is my sister Stephanie." Benny said on both of our behalf's.
"My name is Eli and this is Ethan" the smaller of the boys said.

We talked as we played and got to know each other. Eli was younger and Ethan was the middle child. Jace was their older brother but he was much older, I believe 15 or 16 at the time so he usually did his own thing.

From that day on we played almost EVERY single day together. I went from being so alone to having a new brother then to gaining two best friends. All of this felt like it was almost overnight. Life was good.

Our parents started to hang out with each other so every weekend us kids would play and the parents would have cook outs and throw back a few beers. I felt like I could go to Eli and Ethan's mom and dad as if they were my own. I was safe with them too.

One night I was able to convince the boys to put on a concert with me. I lip sang to Britney Spears while the boys played air guitar and jumped around our 'stage'. The stage was a trailer bed that my dad had in our backyard. It was definitely a core memory that I will never forget. I was so happy. Finally.

But sometimes when things are too good the universe has a way of shaking things up a bit..

   We were a happy family living in our cute house on tenth street. Us kids started calling our little group 'the tenth street gang' no one could tell us anything. We were unstoppable when we were together.


My dad had a friend named Harry that he let move into one of our spare rooms which was right next to mine and Benny's room. We had a jack and jill bathroom but our kids door stayed locked so Harry couldn't come in. We would use the restroom on the other side of the house. No biggie.

   Harry usually kept to himself but on occasion he would talk to us kids or have dinner with my family. There were a few times that he would say he was going to see his son and I had finally asked to go. I knew from what the guy said that his son was a few years older than me so I figured I could make a new friend.

  I was eventually allowed to go with him and was able to meet his son but his boy was so standoffish. Harry would take us to get drive thru, usually jack in the box, but he would drop off his son almost immediately after getting the food. This happened a few times and every time after he would drop off his son we would stop at an empty parking lot. I would sit in the back and eat my food quietly. I got a weird feeling in my stomach after the second time because he would glance out the window and stare at me here and there through the rear view mirror.

I knew it wasn't a good idea for me to go with him anymore so I stopped. I didn't say anything because I was afraid to be called crazy and I really kept telling myself I was imagining things. But there was something off about this dude.

Weeks later the parents we're having a good time at my families house so us kids were at Eli and Ethan's house next door watching X-men. One of our favorites. Jace was watching us kids but was talking on the phone.

I was on the end of the couch with Eli to my left, then Benny followed by Ethan and Jace. I was deep into the movie when someone came stumbling through the front door.

It was Harry

I knew he was drunk because he stumbled to the couch and sat to my right. Jace kind of picked up on it but Harry sat there quietly and looked at the tv like he was watching it, so jace went back to his conversation on the phone.

I felt Harry scoot closer to me and could smell the alcohol on his breath. He whispered into my ear
"How ya doin sweet heart?" He asked
"Fine" I responded. I was scared.
"You're so beautiful you know that? I gotta keep them boys away from you." He said in a low voice.

His hand suddenly found itself on my right thigh. I was wearing a squart. You know like a skirt with build in shorts.

I stared at his hand for what felt like an eternity then it made its way up my thigh inching closer and closer to my skirt. Then under my shorts.. I was sitting criss cross so I guess it was..I dunno. Easier for him..

I felt his pinky make its way under my underwear and rub my most intimate part. I wanted to throw up. I wanted the couch to swallow me whole.

Then I heard it. Eli said "JACE!"
Jace looked up and I shot my head towards the teen almost begging for help with my eyes. I couldn't speak. I was stuck. I was ashamed. Then I noticed the rest of the boys were looking too.

Harry's finger pulled from my body and jace stood up SCREAMING at Harry. Harry jumped off of the couch and ran out the front door. Everything else was a blur but I eventually took myself to the back room to sleep. I just wanted to hide.

The next morning I was pulled from the room by Eli, Jace and Ethan's mom. She was so kind and so soft with me. She said there were police out front that wanted to talk to me. I was scared all over again. Jan came into the room and both women walked me out front to talk to the police.

"At least I had them" I thought to myself.

When I got out front I saw everyone. Including my dad. He was livid and I was scared. There were at least three cop cars.

The officer that came up to me was a bigger man. But the way he spoke to me was so gentle. I think he could tell I was nervous so he said we can sit in his car and talk.

I sat in the front seat but was distracted by all of the gadgets he had and the shotgun that was perched between the seats. He let me press a few buttons on the dash which calmed me down.

"We have to talk about something serious. What happened last-night with Harry? And don't be afraid to tell me. He will never hurt you again." He stated

I was quiet..

"I already talked to the older kid jace. I just need to hear it from you." He added.

"He.. touched me.... Down there." I pointed.

"That's all I need to know. You did a great job.." He said.

I watched as they hauled Harry away. He was screaming that he didn't do anything. He cried. I don't know why I felt bad.. but I did. But you know what? Fuck him. Fuck him for what he did to me. The feeling of his grown hand on my thigh is forever etched into my brain. I can still feel it from time to time.

Now that I'm an adult I see why I shouldn't have felt bad for him. But for some reason the little girl in me still feels bad for 'getting him in trouble'

Sheesh how warped my mind was...

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