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Thank you for reading Cellblock Four! If you're interested in more of my Shane and Ryan content (including some more current work) here's a list of what I've written:

Lost (Sequel to Cell Block Four)
"I love you."
Almost a year later Buzzfeed's cutest couple and expert ghost hunters, Ryan and Shane, are back in Pennsylvania, the same state where their relationship started. Only this time, they're in Gettysburg, where around 7,000 soldiers died during The American Civil War. They're also accompanied by Keith, Eugene, Ned, and Zach from The Try Guys.
When half of their group goes missing, will the two lovers find their friends or be scared to their deaths by the spirits of The Civil War? The answer, for now, remains UNSOLVED.


Buzzfeed Unsolved Oneshots
From the author of "Cellblock Four" and "Lost", comes another series of Shane and Ryan fanfictions... Buzzfeed Unsolved Oneshots. (Now with Puppet History too!)


Aokigahara (Oneshot)
"We try so hard to hide everything we're really feeling from those who probably need to know our true feelings the most. People try to bottle up their emotions, as if it's somehow wrong to have natural reactions to life." - Colleen Hoover


Cellblock FourWhere stories live. Discover now