not friends

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I wake up the following morning with a sweet satisfaction. Last night went about as well as it could have. I was able to train for two full hours and slept for nine hours for the first time in weeks. After just one evening, I already feel like myself again.

I take my time fixing my hair in the mirror as I'm distracted by my appearance. I always understood the importance of getting a full night's sleep, but it hasn't registered in my brain just how important it is until now. My face has some color to it again and my eyes are fully alert. I no longer look like some mindless zombie. I've never considered myself all that attractive, but I admit this is the best I've looked in a while.

Yup, today is shaping up to be nothing short of fantastic. And I hold that level of positivity for six whole minutes while I finish getting ready for school.

And then, it's ruined.

When I step into the hallway, Icyhot has his back leaned against the wall right next to my door. His presence startles me, but I don't scream. Instead I just frown at him. What gives this bastard the right to wait for me outside of my room? As if I'd ever willingly be seen in public with his socially inept self.

He gives a small smile. "Good morning, Bakugou."

"Ew," I reply. "Why are you here?"

He pats his backpack that hangs off his right shoulder. "Don't you want your homework back?"

Well, there goes the last bit of happiness I had for today.

Because now I'm reminded of what went down in order for me to feel so rejuvenated this morning. I had to rely on Icyhot of all people. That's embarrassing in its own right, but the fact the little bastard had the audacity to demand a handshake from me! And the fact that I actually agreed to it! If anyone ever finds out I shook his pudgy, slimy, icicle-like hand, I'll have to drop out of UA. It's way too humiliating.

I grunt in response. "Fine. Hurry up before someone sees you."

Icyhot reaches into his bag and pulls it out. He smiles as he hands it over, which angers me. "I did my best to copy your handwriting. What do you think?"

I observe the sheet front and back with a raised brow. Damn, it's nearly perfect. My handwriting is pretty distinct, so it's not easy to copy, yet he got it on the first try. Who knew Icyhot actually had talent?

My classmates hype him up a lot for his quirk, but it's not that great if you ask me. Especially if he's too stubborn to use it properly. But this? Consider me impressed.

Still, I'd rather be buried alive than compliment Icyhot on anything, ever.

"It'll have to do, I guess," I tell him. I add a shrug to sell my performance.

I storm down the hall, not bothering to wait for him. Still, since the elevator takes a minute to arrive on my floor, he catches up anyway.

"I can do a better job tonight," he says as we stand in the elevator. "But at least all the answers are right. I triple checked."

When the elevator stops at the first floor, I hesitate to exit. His words dance through my brain and, when they register, I sport an even harsher scowl when I finally step out.

"What do you mean tonight?" I say.

Icyhot has the same dopey expression on his face that he always does. "Oh, didn't you want this to be a recurring thing so you'd have more time to train? Or did you change your mind?"

I grind my teeth. "I didn't change my mind, asshole. I just don't want you assuming that I'm gonna be relying on you all the time. They may not even give us homework today."

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