Chapter 3.

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-Lauren's P.O.V-

"Is that really you?",he asked.

"Yeah. it's really me." 

I started to panic. Did I not look good enough? Does my breath stink. My hair porbably looks like a flock of sheep slept on it. My panic quickly became anger. Why hasn't he written, or emailed, or texted me back for four years? I mean, if he's sitting here looking perfectly fine and healthy, could it really have been that hard to just..reply?

"We should talk after school.", he said as if reading my thoughts. "Meet me at Starbucks around 4?

I hesitated. Why should I? Nothing good is going to come out of it. It would probably be awkward as hell, too. But honestly, i had missed him so much. I also had a few questions that needed to be answered right away.

"Sure.", I said, regretting it as soon as it left my mouth.

He smiled and started to pay attention again. The whole period I could feel him staring at me. Everytime he looked at me, he looked puzzled.

Well then..

-Niall's P.O.V-

Wow. Lauren has changed SO much. Four years ago she seemed waayyyy happier. And she definetly wasn't as skinny as she is now. I mean, she was always skinny, but now? She's like a twig. Her semi-curvy body is one of the things that attracted me to her. 

Just one. 

Everything else from her dazzling smile, to her adorable laugh, to her small feet, had me falling falling for her too. My thoughts were interrupted by the bell. 

That's when I realized how hungry I was. I wish I had some food right now. 

Lauren was the first out of the classroom.

"Hey Lauren?" I said, struggling to catch up to her. 


"Meet me at Nandos instead, at 5."

She laughed."I forgot that was your all time favorite place to go. I'll see you there." She smiled that amazing smile that brought back so many memories.

"Okay." I smiled back.

And we were off, going our separate ways.

-Lauren's P.O.V-

The day seemed to fly by. I wonder why Niall decided to change our meeting place to Nandos, besides the fact that, he love that place with a passion. I went home and did some of my homework. Then, I took a showered, and changed into this . I left my mom a note telling her where I was. I got in my car and drove off. I got there, and there he was.

Niall Horan.

Looking at me with those goregous blue eyes.

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