Chapter 38

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-Niall's POV-

I couldn't sleep. 

The thought of Lauren's lips on another guy, angered me.

The fact that, that guy was Harry enraged me.

I can't believe she'd do this to me. 

-Lauren's POV-

I walked to Piper's house. I was going to talk to her, to see why she was mad at me; I've done absolutely nothing wrong to her.

When I got there, I slowly knocked on her door.

Her mom answered. "Hey Lauren! Looking for Piper?", she asked energetically, and happily.

Piper's mother was one of the most energetic, middle-aged women I've ever met. She was about 5'9, played basketball, volleyball, and was a cheerleader in high school. Now, she was a gym coach at the local middle school.

"Yeah. Is she upstairs?"

"Yes, she is! Go on up!"she exclaimed.

"Thanks." I smiled.

I nervously walked up the stairs to Piper's room. Once I reached the top of the stairs, I took a deep breath in, and knocked.

"Who is it," she asked from behind the door.


She slowly opened the door. "What?"

"Can I speak to you for a moment?" I asked nervously.

She hesitated. "Sure." She opened the door just wide enough for me to get through.

She sat on her bed. 

"Why are you angry at me?" I asked.

-Piper's POV-

"I'm not mad at you," I quickly replied in defense.

Lauren frowned. "I'm not stupid."

I took a deep breath in. "It's just—I saw you with Harry yesterday, and I just felt...I don't know, alone I guess. I guess I expected you to come comfort me." 

I paused, and watched as she silently nodded.

I continued. "It's just that, I've never had a best friend who I could confide in, like I can confide in you. I've always kinda been the odd one out. Sure, I've hung out with multiple people before, but I've never had a best friend before. I guess what I'm saying is that, I was jealous that my best friend was comforting my boyfriend, and not me. I mean...ex-boyfriend." I lowered my head a bit so that Lo wouldn't notice the tears forming in my eyes.

Not only was I jealous, but I also felt guilty. I kissed her boyfriend behind her back. I flirted with her boyfriend. I can't believe myself.

Lauren cleared her throat and began to speak. "Piper, the only reason I was with Harry was because he called me way before you did. Trust me, if he didn't have to be back in London at a certain time, I would've blown him off and come straight to you. But unfortunately, that wasn't the case. You're my best friend, and I would never do anything to jeopardize our friendship."

We embraced, and pulled away.

"I bet Harry hates me now," I let out.

Lauren smiled. "It's the complete opposite. Harry's still in love with you."

I gasped. "Really?"

She nodded. I felt a spur of hope run through me.

"Pipe, can I ask you a question?"


She messed around with her fingers for a second. "Who did you cheat on him with?"

My mind was blown. I thought she knew. I though she knew that I possibly ruined her relationship. What am I going to tell her? I can't just drop this huge bomb on her after we've JUST made up.

I let the first thing that came to my mind slip out. "An ex. I really regret it."

She nodded. "Oh. Well here's the plan," she began smirking.

"What are you-"


I laughed.

"Okay, so the plan is to go dress shopping today for the first live show tomorrow! We're gonna get you all prettied up and sass-ified, and-"

I burst into a fit of laughter. "Really Lo? 'Sass-ified'? Is that even a word?"

"In MY dictionary it is. ANYWAY, as I was saying, and as soon as Harry sees you, he'll be all like "I WANT YOU BACK, and he'll start singing the song I want you Back by Jackson 5. Then you'll get married, and I'll be the bridesmaid, and then-"

I laughed. I could just see the wheels turning in her brain.


"No, shh. The wheels in brain are turning."

I put my hands over her mouth. "Lauren Michelle Miller."

"Hmm?" she muffled through my fingers.

"Calm. Down."

She gave me thumbs up.

"Now, when I release you, you're going to put your shoes on, and we're going to go to the mall."

She nodded.

I let go of her mouth.

She screamed.

I rolled my eyes and we both laughed, as we ran down the stairs to my car. As soon as we got in, we started blasting music.

It felt great to have my best friend back.

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