Chapter 6

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-Lauren's P.O.V-

"Woah,Tara! What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Don't play innocent, you stupid little whore! You think I don't know that you fucked my boyfriend??"

"Woah...I did WHAT now?" I let a little laugh slip out of my mouth. This was news to me, because i don't ever remember even talking to her boyfriend.

"Oh,so you think this is funny? What kind of friend are you?? Are you seriously so dumb, that you wont admit to your own shit? You know what? I'm done with you! Keep slitting your wrist, and purging everyday I hope you die, whore!"

Those last two sentences had me in shock. How could she say such a thing? Tears filled my eyes,but i managed to hold them back.

"Honestly Tara, If you're so dumb to believe what other people are telling you, there's an issue here. I believe the real question here is what kind of friend are YOU? I did not sleep with your boyfriend, okay? I would never, because you're my best friend...or i guess you WERE, plus I'm not like that. I thought you would be the one to know that, but i guess not. Im done with your shit, Fuck off. I hate you!" I hung up the phone and replayed the conversation in my head. Why does everyone have to hate me? I don't want to go through what I went through last year again. What did i ever do? Tara's harsh words played in my head over and over again. I slowly fell asleep without realizing it.

I woke up the next morning to some soft singing. The voice was so angelic and beautiful. I felt like I was soaring through the skies when I heard it. My eyes fluttered open to Niall sitting on my beanbag chair, looking out the window and singing. I quietly sat up and listened to the words.

"If you're pretending from the start, like this 

with a tight grip, then my kiss

could mend your broken heart

I might miss everything you said to me

And i could lend you broken parts

 that might fight

like this,

And I'll give you all my heart

So we can start it all over again."

I just sat there at a loss for words.

"Wow." I said.

He turned around realizing that I had been listening the whole time.

"I didn't know you had it in you Nialler." Even though it was 5 am, he had my full attention.

He turned around, and his cheeks turned bright pink. "You thought that was good?"

"I thought it was great!" I smiled.

He smiled. "Thanks."


We just sat there for 2 minutes.

"Can i ask you a question?" , i asked.

"Sure. Anything."

"Why are you at my house at 5:30 am,and most importantly, how did you get in here?"

We laughed.

"Well your mum was leaving as I got here, so she let me in."

"Oh okay, So why are you here?"

"Well, I kinda heard some dumb rumors about you, and figured that you needed a friend, so here I am. Plus last night was not all that great." he gave a nervous laugh.

At that very moment, I know that Niall will always be there for me.

"Gee, thanks Ni." I got up and gave him a long hug. I never really noticed how we fit like a puzzle piece, and now that I do, i like it.

We pulled apart, and awkwardly stood there.

"Um so, you should probably get ready for school now.", he said.

By now,it was around 5:40. School starts at 7:15.

"Yeah, I probably should." I shrugged.

"Well...go on!" He said smiling.

"I am, I am! But since you were deprived of your sleep, I think it's only fair that you have at least an hour more of sleep in my bed."

"No, It's okay Lo, really."

"Please?" I gave him the puppy dog eyes that I knew he couldn't resist.

"Oh fine. What the heck. I'll only sleep for like 10 minutes anyway, and i'll be up and refreshed!"

"Yeah, yeah..whatever." I said with a giggle.

"I went into the bathroom, and showered. When I was done, I went through the door in my bathroom that led to my closet, put this on 

I tiptoed out of the bathroom, and into my bedroom being careful not to wake Niall. This loser said he would only sleep for 10 minutes, but it's been like an hour. I went down into the kitchen and got him a chocolate chip muffin, and a cup of hot chocolate. I went back upstairs and gently tried to wake him.

"Niall." I said shaking him.


Still no response.

"Niall....please wake up."

And at that moment, my hear completely dropped.

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