Chapter 34

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-Piper's POV-

I called Lauren, and vented to her as soon as Harry left my house. I cannot believe we're over.

Two years invested into to this relationship just...thrown away.

I guess I deserve it, though. I did cheat on him.

I cheated on the one guy who loved me, and accepted me for who I was.

Worst of all...I cheated on him with his band mate.

What's wrong with me?

I hung up the phone, and dropped myself onto my bed, violently sobbing.

-Lauren's POV-

I pulled into the parking lot of Tim Horton's, and sat down in a booth waiting for Harry. Five minutes later, he walked in looking...worn out, and just plain depressed. He sat down across me.

"Thanks for meeting me, Lo."

"No problem. What's wrong? Why are you not in London, living your dream? Why did you and Piper break up?"

He looked at me in disbelief. "She already told you?"

"Yeah...she just called me, sobbing."

Tears formed in his eyes. "I can't believe she cheated on me. I trusted her with all of my heart."

I was shocked. "She...cheated?" 

He nodded.

I couldn't believe my ears. 

Sweet, innocent Piper, who was always worried about Harry being unfaithful switched gears and—cheated?

"Harry, I'm so sorry." I said, softly.

"I loved her. I still love her. I used to be a player, and a flirt, and everything related to those two things, and then I met her. I changed my ways for her."

I stayed silent, and just listened, while patting his back.

-Harry's POV-

I talked to Lauren for a bit more, about Piper.

I loved how she knew when to speak, and when to just stay silent. It was as if she knew exactly what I needed.

That's exactly why I came to her.

To be honest, for someone with a mom going through cancer, she was pretty sane, and calm.

"Just don't worry about Piper for the moment being. I know it's going to be hard to get over her, but you're gonna have to try for your sake, and for the other boys' too."

"I know." 

I chuckled, and half-smiled.

"What?" she asked.

"It's just—you always hear about how girls eat ice cream to calm down, or 'eat away their feelings', but you never think of a guy doing that, yet that's exactly what I want to do right now."

She giggled. Sorrow quickly swept over her face. "That's exactly how I feel right now." She looked down, as a single tear fell onto our table.

"Is this about your mom?"

She nodded.

I slid over to her. "I'm guessing there's more to it."

She nodded again.

I gave her a hug.

"Let's go," she said nodding towards the door.


"Watch movies, and eat ice cream, duh," she replied, giggling.

I laughed, as she dragged me towards the door. 

As soon as I opened it, Piper walked in.

It was as if my world stopped.

I looked at her, and I felt as if my heart shattered into 5 million pieces. Then I felt betrayed. 

She shot Lauren an angry glare, and walked away, leaving both Lauren and I confused.

Yet, I still love her. Why?

I'm a heartbroken mess.

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