Day 6 Part 2

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When I opened the door it was Camilo there holding onto the chameleon plush he told me about earlier.

"Um hey, Cami what are you doing here?" I asked letting him walk into the house and then leading him into my room.

"Well I wanted to show you the plush and also Irene said that if it was ok with you that I and Antonio could stay over," he said.

"Yeah sure do you guys have your stuff packed?" I asked.

"Yes we do and Dolores is probably told mama so Antonio is probably coming over as we speak," he said, and as soon as he finished the doorbell rang and when we opened the door Antonio and Pepa were at the door and Diego heard and ran down straight away and pulled Antonio into the guest room and somehow made up to beds for Antonio and Camilo. Pepa said goodbye and Camio went to go help Antonio get ready for bed and we all went to sleep.

This one is shorter because I need to work on something for a different thing so yeah I will start working on the concert chapter.

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