Chapter 1

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Hello. Please enjoy my story; all original ideas. Hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing! Please leave comments
(-; )
Also, please excuse the fact that Taehyung is spelt 'Taeyung', as it autocorrects to this.


The weather was freezing. The torrential rainfall was whipping the skies all around you. Wrapping up in a heavy coat, you made your way to the Big Hit headquarters for your first day at work. You flagged down your bus and got on, finding a spare seat.
You had been going to school for three years now, studying make-up and design. Big Hit wanted you for their biggest band of the year, Bangtan Boys. Your reputation had extended even your expectations.
Stepping up to the front doors of the building, you took a deep breath. You entered the large building, walking past the front desk slowly to the hallway.
"Uh, going somewhere?"
You turned quickly to see a woman standing behind the desk. She had short black hair and red-rimmed glasses.
"Oh, do I have to sign in?" You asked. The woman smiled and nodded.
"What's your name, dear?" She asked you.
"(Y/N)." You answered. She typed it into the computer and nodded.
"Good." She said. "They're expecting you in room 13."
"Thanks!" You smiled, taking a butterscotch from a bowl on the desk and making your way down the hallway to room 13.
You could hear avid chatting around the corner. You looked at the numbers leading to the noisiest room. 9, 11, 13...
You stopped at the frosted glass door of 13. Laughing and yelling filled the hallway. You opened the door and looked inside.
Two boys were chasing each-other while a third was rolling on the ground laughing. Four boys were standing in-front of a large wall-length mirror, as music blared from a small set of speakers. The four boys were rapping; the three others cheering them on.
You stepped into the room, peering over to see if there was anybody else around. A girl looked up from texting on her phone and smiled at you. She was the only other person in the room. She had dyed blonde hair, and a slim, attractive body. Her face was thin and her nails were bright red. She stood up and rushed to you.
"Oh, hello!" She shouted over the music. "I'm Li!"
"Hi." You said loudly. The boys continued rapping. One had stopped to get a drink.
"I'm the boys' personal assistant." Li said, holding up a finger. "Hold on."
She rushed to the speaker and turned it down. "Have a drink." She said to the boys. They nodded and went to sit down.
"I'll introduce you." She said.
She led you to the three boys sitting on the floor in the corner.
"This is Jin." She said. A tall boy stood up. He had deep brown hair, dark eyes and pink, glossy lips. You smiled at him. He smiled back, shaking your hand.
"Hello, miss." He said, hitching his heavy jacket. "What's your name?"
"(Y/N)." You said simply. He nodded and smiled again.
"Well, hello (Y/N), It's nice to meet you at last. We've heard much about you."
You felt your cheeks heat up. Li ushered you to the next boy.
"This is Jungkook." Li said. Jungkook smiled boyishly at you.
"Hey, how are you?" He said. You smiled.
"Really good, how are you?"
He smiled widely and nodded. His dark black hair almost covered his eyes, his lips were a dusty rose colour.
"This is V." Li said, indicating to the boy who was rolling on the floor. V was lanky but strong-looking, his boyish, wide smile faced you.
"Hello, my name is V." He said. "Real name is Kim... Taeyung Kim!"
You giggled a little. V smiled widely and looked over to the other four boys.
"Guys, come over here for a minute!"
The four came over to you. You looked at them quietly as Li introduced them.
"This is Suga, Rap Monster, Jimin and J-Hope." Li said. They waved and smiled.
"You're just in time for our next song practice." J-Hope said, looking at Li. Li nodded (a little reluctantly) and looked at you.
"Would you like to watch?" She asked. You nodded, smiling broadly.
"I would love to!" You said happily.
"Great!" Li said. "First, I'll show you to the room where you'll be working. Bangtan, get ready for when we return, alright?"
The boys nodded. V did a funny sort of salute. You smiled and followed Li down the hallway to the boys' dressing room.
She led you to the dressing rooms' door, stopping before she entered.
"This is it." She said, turning to face you. She opened the door, ushering you inside.
"Thank you." You said, as she closed the door gently behind her.
You heard the lock 'click'.
Turning, you saw her look at you with her dark eyes. She grabbed the front of your shirt and slammed you against the wall, baring her teeth. You cried out in pain as you felt the impact shoot up into your back.
"Now.." She whispered, leaning to your face, "Listen to me very carefully. These boys mean everything to me. I saw the way they were looking at you; if you think about taking advantage of them, you will be in deep trouble. I've worked here for thirteen months now; I don't need you screwing it up now."
She held her arm against your neck, pushing you harder to the wall. You didn't resist; you were numb with shock. Suddenly, she shoved a key into your hand.
"Oh, and one more thing..." She muttered, "Finishing time for you is seven-thirty. I finish at six tonight, so make sure you lock this room after I leave and before you go home. Got it?"
You nodded, trying to pull away. She checked her watch. It was almost six. Not saying a word, she let you go and made her way to the door.
"I'm the one those boys want." She said, smirking at you. "Not you."
She unlocked the door and exited, walking down the hallway to the front of the building. You rubbed your eyes and exited the dressing room, going back to room 13- locking the door behind you.


You closed the door to studio 13 behind you, turning to see who spoke.
Jimin smiled at you, approaching with a non-threatening air.
"It's nice to meet you. I'm so happy to see you."
You smiled and tried to hide the worry inflicted by Li.
"Me too, it's great to meet you."
"We were just about to practice a new song rehearsal, the dance is tricky. Especially for Rap Monster, he can't quite get it. He's a human robot."
You laughed and smiled at the burgundy-haired boy.
"May I see your dance?" You asked. Jimin nodded.
"Here, sit down." He offered, leading you to a chair. You sat, facing the group of boys assembling themselves to dance.
Jin stood at the front, alongside V and Suga. The rest positioned themselves behind in a ballroom-type pose.
The music started, and the boys began to dance. Jungkook began to sing the words to the song playing from the speakers, the song was called Beautiful.
As the song went on, you felt your heart lighten. Li's words were forgotten as the boys danced their way into your heart. V went to the front of the group and raised his arms in a ballroom pose, the song played gently.

~you'll be, with me, with me, yeah, you're my beautiful girl~

V looked right into your eyes as he turned a full circle in his ballroom dance. You felt your face go pink as the boys stopped dancing. You stood up and clapped. You were the only other person besides the group in the room- your clapping echoed strangely around the studio.
When you stopped, the boys dispersed. Jimin came over to you.
"Did you like that?" He asked. You nodded, lost for words.
"That was..." You started-
"Beautiful, right?" V came over, smiling a shy smile. "That's what I think."
"Y-yeah, it's perfect..." You trailed off. "Um, is there somewhere I can get some water?"
"Oh yeah, sure!" Jimin said, leading you to a small kitchen off the wall of the studio. There was a jar of biscuits on a small table with a few chairs scattered around it.
"Jin really left this place a mess..." Jimin muttered, looking at the dirty dishes in the sink. He got you a glass from the cupboard and handed it to you.
"There's different kinds of drinks in the fridge. You can have whatever you like- oh, except Jungkook's mineral water."
"Thanks, Jimin." You smiled. He smiled awkwardly and left, leaving you alone.
You sighed, opening the small bar fridge. There was Aloe Vera drink, Jungkook's mineral water, plain water and Coke. You took the plain water and went to the table to pour a glass. Jungkook came into the kitchen, yawning. He saw you and smiled.
"Oh! Hello (Y/N). Did you like the dance?" He asked. You smiled and nodded.
"Very much so." You smiled. "Your voice is so lovely."
Jungkook flushed. He looked embarrassed and went to the fridge, pulling out his mineral water.
"So, I heard you were doing the design for the Spring Collection photo shoot." Jungkook said, taking a sip. "Can I request that you don't dress me in blue, please? It doesn't suit me..." He chuckled and looked at you.
"I've already got a few designs for all of you, so tomorrow I'll being them in to show you. You can pick the one you like." You offered. Jungkook looked delighted.
"Great!" He smiled. He looked into the studio.
"Looks like everybody's going." He said. He put the water into the fridge and exited the room. You followed, making your way back to the studio.
The boys were packing up. J-Hope adjusted his scarf and Jin was changing his shoes. V picked up his bag and opened the door, allowing everyone out.
The boys said goodbye to you, as you would be the last to leave. V held the door open for you.
"Thank you." You said. He didn't reply, but you could hear him singing to himself:
"You're my beautiful girl~"
He looked at you, smiling. You lowered your head and rushed out to the front desk, signing your name on the papers waiting for you. The desk-girl looked up from her book.
"Had a good day?" She asked.
You nodded, sighing. "A great day..." You added, smiling weakly. The girl giggled.
"Good." She said.
You remembered something quickly:
"Wait, I didn't get your name." You said. She looked at you.
"Oh, right. My name's Katrina. Call me Cat."
"Cool." You said. "Well, bye Cat. See you tomorrow!"
You exited the building, feeling a cold rush of air sweep over you. You exhaled, seeing a hush of frozen breath disappear into the sky. You walked down the stairs to your bus stop.

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