Chapter 11

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"Recording day!" You announced to the boys. Suga and V smiled, while V gave a loud yawn.
"I'm too t-t-tired!" He yawned, rubbing his eyes and stuttering a little. "I'll do it tomorrow..."
J-Hope smiled broadly and threw his arm around Jungkook and Jin.
"This'll be great!" He said.
Rap Monster went to the front of the group and started talking music. He spoke fast and loud- all the boys paid close attention to what he was saying.
"We have all the songs in this book for the next album. (Y/N), we are going to need you to help with the tunes, though." Namjoon said. You had never done it before, but nodded nonetheless.
"So we've all chipped in and helped to write these songs- Alright, so here are the songs we all wrote together and are putting on this next mini-album; Beautiful, Coffee, I Need U, Dope, Too Much- sung by me, Let Me Know, War Of Hormone, Converse High and V's song cover of Someone Like You, but we're studio-recording that again. All good?" He said.
They all agreed, happy with the songs.
Please please be good songs! You smiled to yourself, already knowing one of them. Beautiful was the first you had heard and it was amazing.
"Then let's get ready. Beautiful will be first."
Namjoon was doing vocal warmups. So were Jin and Jungkook. V was already in studio next to the microphone, ready.
"Um, I'm just going to the bathroom first." J-Hope said. He looked nervous; you quickly followed him out to see what was wrong.
He rushed away, looking to be avoided. You skulked up behind him as he stopped, touching his shoulder.
"You ok?" You asked. "Does this... Have anything to do with why you were sad last time?"
He sighed and nodded, his eyes brimming with new tears. You pulled his shoulder towards you, turning him around to face you. You cupped his face in your hands and looked him in the eyes.
"Hoseok." You said, using his real name to show you were serious. "Tell me, please."
He looked away and sniffed. "I can't tell you."
"Because you'll tell the others and I'll be knee-deep in..."
Jimin came into the hallway and saw you cupping his face. His own face fell considerably; you remembered what had happened last night.
"J-Hope." Jimin said, this time more of a statement than a question. "We're starting. Let's go."
He looked at you and you let go of J-Hope. Jimin shot him a glance as he passed to re-enter the studio. You and Jimin were left alone in the hallway.
He grabbed your shirt (along with your bra) and pushes you against the wall, baring his teeth.
"What was that?" He whispered.
You swallowed, feeling your bra strain on your back to stay clipped together.
"He-He was upset..." You stuttered. "He wouldn't look me in the eye so I..."
"You don't touch anybody but me..." He hissed, gently placing his lips on yours and loosening his grip on your shirt. "You're mine."
You nodded a little, feeling hot. He smirked and let you go, sliding his hand down your thigh as he turned to walk away.
You watched him walk away with a heart heavy with both love and hate.
I guess you were his, then.


I need you girl~

The boys were in the studio, singing to their song I Need U. They had almost finished for the day, with a few breaks in between. Suga and RapMon were optimistic and willing to finish, while Jin and J-Hope seemed tired. V and Jungkook were beginning to become restless and were being irritably playful; Jimin, alternatively, was being cold and singing in a competitive way. Still, the way his voice sent shivers down your spine didn't want him to stop. His high notes both paralysed and amazed you.
"That's a wrap." Namjoon announced as you pressed stop. He clapped his hands together and smiled.
"So, who's hungry?" He announced.
Everybody cheered; J-Hope merely smiled a little. Suga and V danced into the kitchen, while Jin was leaning on Jungkook to make it to the kitchen.
J-Hope's stomach growled; you looked at him and noticed his face was a little pasty; Jimin looked at you as he walked past, making you squirm a little under his gaze.
You looked over to see J-Hope. He looked at you with a mix of nervousness and embarrassment.
"Yes?" You said. "What's wrong?"
He sighed and looked at you, seeming considerably smaller than usual.
"I... I think I'm sick."
You looked up at him, your eyes growing bigger as tears fell from his eyes. He blinked quickly.
"I can't eat." He said quickly. "I can't eat because I'm gaining too much weight, and if I look too big for the photo shoot I'd be so embarrassed, and I know the guys would be so disappointed if I started overeating, and so I haven't eaten in about... Three days, and I've been exercising a lot more than usual... Because of the concert we will have to do, and..."
You looked at him, shocked by his words. 
"Help me." He said, so quietly he was sure you didn't hear. "Help me, please." He whispered.
You felt a tear fall from your eye as you nodded and hugged him tightly, making sure Jimin wasn't near you two at all.
"Hoseok..." You whispered, gently but subtly running your hand across his slim figure. "You're perfect, all of you; your personality, your voice, and your body." He felt bony- his ribs were too exposed and his collarbone was, too. You gasped involuntarily and covered your mouth with your hand.
"How long have you been like this?" You whispered.
"A long time." He muttered, his face looking blotchy under the Studio-lights.
"Let's go to the others; we have to tell them..." You added.
"N-No..." He stammered, grabbing your shoulders. "I can't tell them..."
He looked away, nervous and tired-looking. "Let's keep this a secret for now... Just until I- I get better." He could barely say the last bit; you nodded and looked at him sorrowfully.
"I'm sorry for causing trouble." He said awkwardly. You hugged him and then took your arms away slowly.
You shook your head and merely walked away, back to the kitchen where you planned on making something delicious, naïvely planning that it would be so good, Hoseok wouldn't be able to resist.
As you got back, however, you heard J-Hope's footsteps run up behind you. As you turned to face him, he looked into your eyes and whispered:
"Don't worry about me... Worry about Seokjin."
You were confused.
"Why would I worry about Seo-"
"Jimin, get off me!" You heard Jungkook cry. Suga laughed as you went to see what was going on. V was sitting on Jimin, who was sitting on Jungkook. Rap Monster was yawning and reclining on a chair in the studio. Jin was in the kitchen, making dinner. You went in, followed by J-Hope.
"Hey." You said to Jin. He looked at you and smiled.
"Hey..." He muttered, looking at you and J-Hope. "Hungry?"
You nodded and looked encouragingly at J-Hope. He nodded reluctantly.
"Good!" Jin smiled, not noticing J-Hope's unwillingness. "I'm making one of your favourites, Hoseok!" He tilted the pot so you could see inside.
"Spaghetti..." J-Hope smiled a little. "Thanks, Jin."
Jin sighed and nodded a 'you're welcome' as you yawned and checked your phone for texts from Drew, hoping he was having better luck than you were.
"I'll be back in a second." J-Hope said. Jin nodded and looked away, sneezing. You gave J-Hope a tender look and nodded. Jin sniffled.
"Are you sick?" You asked him. He shook his head.
"Nasal." He muttered. You ushered him to sit and took over from cooking.
"Thanks, (Y/N)." He said. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
You smiled and continued where he left off.
Maybe it's because Jin's sick J-Hope said to worry about him, you thought.
You looked over at Jin, who was yawning widely.
Must be.

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