Chapter 20

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In a brisk manner Jin wheeled your wheelchair (which you found extremely unnecessary) to the Emergency ward.
"We have five minutes, the others are already there, so we should be able to see him before his sedation kicks in for the surgery..."
Jimin gave a hiccuped sob. You felt your stomach knotting and clenching, and you wished you hadn't even survived Li's attack. 

It'd have been better if I didn't survive.

You felt hot tears run down your face as Jin turned a corner into the Emergency ward.
Drew was standing there, waiting for you. His head still heavily bandaged, he took your hand to help you up, seeing as the wheelchair took up too much room for the ward.
"You'll have to walk from here." He said. You nodded and looked around frantically.
"Jungkook?!" You cried, terrified.
V came over to you and gave you a tight, terrified hug.
"He's over here."


Despite his sleeping face, he could've been mistaken to be dead.
His eyes looked so heavy and tired; he didn't look like he'd ever wake up. His arms lay limply by his side, and his legs were paler than his face. Jungkook had many tubes and wires inside him, regulating his heartbeat and measuring his blood pressure- things like that.
"Jungkook?" You whispered, bending down to see him closer.
He didn't react at first, but you knew he was trying to open his eyes. It looked painful, so you gently grasped his hand.
"If it hurts, don't do it. Please, just listen."
He stopped straining his eyelids.
"Jeongguk, I'm sorry." You said, using his hand to remove the tears under your eyes to show how sorry you are.
"If I could swap our positions, I would a million times. I'm so sorry you have to be here; it's all my fault. Please, keep holding on. I need you, Jeongguk. If you leave me, I'll..."
You couldn't finish as Jeongguk gave your hand the gentlest of squeezes.
His cracked lips parted to say something, and you heard him whisper:

"I need you girl."

You began to cry as Dr. Yoo and around five other doctors and nurses rushed to Jeongguk's bed to push him away from you. One told you to sit down somewhere and you nodded, not even able to breathe.
"(Y/N), here..."
Suga came over to you. His eyes were red and puffy. He took your hand and kissed your cheek.
"Everything's going to be alright." He said quietly. "I know it."
You nodded and sniffled, cowering in Suga's warm, paler arms.


The next day and night, Jungkook was in surgery. He was on life support and needed constant supervision. You couldn't even blink when you were with him, because if he moved or said something, you might miss it. You were so desperate, just for reassurance. You'd hold his hand and whisper as his chest rose and fell so, so slowly.
The other members of BTS, even though they were discharged days ago, didn't leave. They fought for the right to be with their member, and didn't want to leave him alone. Namjoon had even flipped over a bed in rage when the hospital staff let some of the media covering the story into the ward.
"Piss off!" He yelled in rage as some paparazzi tried to ask V questions. V looked extremely uncomfortable and tried to get away from the prying cameras.
J-Hope made a statement to the fans apologising for their late release due to their injuries. With a heavy heart he also released the news of Jungkook's injuries and emergency surgery, showing his stitched hands to the camera.
"Please leave. If you're true fans, you'll leave." Jimin whispered, his head in his hands. He tried to hide the now-developing scar on his arm against his chest.
You were distraught. Jin came over to you and pulled you out of the ward, many cameras following. He then suddenly scooped you up in his arms and ran.
He ran until he got to the car park and he pulled a set of keys from his pocket, unlocking the car and placing you in the front seat. In a daze, you felt the car speed off, with bright, flashing cameras chasing you home.

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