Chapter 8: Night Changes

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The couple laid in the peaceful silence of the moonlit night. A cool soft breeze blew by every once in a while, bringing in the misty scent of the late night through the slightly ajar windows.

Seokjin doesn't remember the last time he'd felt so at ease as at this moment. But laying there, in his mates arms, without any hesitance- he felt calm. Like a part of him was complete.

The omega admired the beautiful night and the tranquillity of the asleep realm. He could feel Namjoon run his fingers through his hair, the other hand under his own, ever so gently tracing over his still flat abdomen. They knew the other wasn't asleep, they just basked in each other's warmth.

"I love you."
"I love you, too."

Their gazes locked and both broke out into genuine smiles, hearts fluttering. Seokjin turned back towards the window, Namjoon still spooning him, nuzzling his neck.

"It's honestly surprising..." Namjoon started, his hand still on his mate's abdomen, feeling the palpating energy of their baby. Their baby. It was so unreal to even think about it.

"What is?" Seokjin turned to face Namjoon, snuggling into his chest. On instinct, the younger snaked his arms around his mate.

"Just yesterday we were even barely talking, so afraid about what would happen "if". And look at us now." He gave a lopesided smile, Jin humming in agreement.
"What didn't happen in years happened in a moment."

"Nahh. You were just too horny. Finally decided to get me for yourself." The alpha just stared at him while the elder burst out in a fit of laughter. Unable to resist, the younger cracked a smile, his mate's laugh being extremely contagious.

It's indeed astonishing though, how quickly things can change. Who would've known that the day Namjoon was born would be the day he would lose his papa. Such a short amount of time erased the presence of a person with so much memories.

Who knew that the alpha would lose his father when he was just 16? Who would've known the person his father married, entrusted Namjoon to, would be the one to wish only ill for him? One slight misstep lead to years of misery.

Who would've thought that the person who used to be his childhood refuge would be the person he'd be forbidden from going near? Who would've thought that that person would be his mate?

Who would've thought that the relationship that was almost going down in flames would respark so quickly, so suddenly? Who would've thought that an indecision of years could be corrected in one night? Who would've known that Namjoon would screw all the regulations in just one moment?

Realization is indeed a magical thing. You don't know what it is till it finally hits you and knocks some sense in you.

And honestly, Namjoon doesn't get why it took him so long to rebel. It's his pack, his mate, his life, his decisions. Why would someone else have a say in this?
Besides, what good is a pack if they won't stand for their leader the way he would for them?

And as these thoughts ran across his mind, the alpha glanced at his mate who was dozing off. And in that moment he understood how much pain he put them both through just 'cause he was scared. But now, with his beautiful mate in his arms and the symbol of their love within his, he couldn't ask for more than just having them beside him till his last breath.

Destiny is so confusing sometimes, right? How much time little things take but how fast something so major could happen.
Just how fast the night changes.

hehe. my brain decided to work today so here's another chapterrrr :D
it's shorter than usual, about half the length buttt mehh. it's cute i think :)

{word count: 619}

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