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Lexie walked into the kitchen and frowned as she saw Madison was there and frowned.

"what are you doing here" Lexie asked as Madison looked to her and smiled

"I had coffee with mum I took your advice and I decided to give her a chance, I know how hard things are but I want you to know I am going to be here for you and we are still a family even if it's not perfect" madison said as Lexie turned to face her and smiled

"I know things have been hard lately and I know it's been hard with Tom and that too but I am trying" Lexie said as Madison looked to her and smiled

Lexie knew a lot had gone on lately and it scared her, Lexie placed a hand on her stomach as madison looked to Lexie and frowned, she wasn't stupid and she knew that there was something going on with her sister

"you know that if there was ever something bothering you that you could tell me I am here and there's nothing that you can't tell me" madison said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"I know but there is nothing to worry" Lexie said

Lexie got to school and walked into Toms classroom as he looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as she nodded

"I guess things are just a mess you know and I am just trying to make it work and I want for us to be together, I want for us to be okay, I just hate how we have to sneak around but I get why we have too" she said as he walked over to her and smiled. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"I know but it will be okay, we will be okay" he said as he placed a hand in her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her.

Lexie kissed him back as the kiss got more passionate, he lifted her up onto the desk and stood between her thighs as she started to undo his belt as he pulled her to him and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her

Lexie dug her nails into his hair as she felt herself reach her high as he followed her and looked to her and smirked

"it's going to be okay I promise" he said as Lexie smiled as she leant in and kissed him passionately

Lexie walked out of the bathroom. She had ended binging only to end up forcing herself to be sick, she took a sip of her water and she walked down the hallway as she felt the room was spinning.

She leant against the wall and groaned. She didn't feel well at all. It felt as if everything was spinning

Lexie fell to the ground unconscious as she lay there lifeless.

But would Lexie be okay and would anyone find her and just how much damage had her eating disorder caused to herself?

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