02. Curiosity Killed The Cat

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2nd Chapter!!!

Super excited for this book ;) Enjoy.


"We're getting fucking wasted tonight!"

James rolled his eyes ignoring Gabi's outburst, he faced Adonis who had his gazed fixed on the bustling nightlife they drove past, obviously lost in his thoughts. "You okay, man?" Adonis faced him, raising a questioning eyebrow. James nodded at his hand. "You've been holding that the whole time.

Adonis looked at the key in his hand, then not so subtly, quickly stuffed it in his pocket again. He shook his head before replying. "Its nothing."

James quirked an eyebrow but nodded, and Adonis knew he hadn't completely dismissed the topic, he just knew to ask another day. "Remember, no pressure, man. We just want you to have a little fun, unwind a little. It'll be fun." He reassured.

"Yeah, fun. Lots and lots of fun." Gabi droned from his spot in the front seat before cackling loudly and drinking from his flask. The driver glanced at him questionably then subtly moved further into his seat.

"Ignore him, he's already drunk." James reached over helping Gabi strap his seatbelt in. He ruffled his hair, very aware how much Gabi hated it. And while he grumbled about it, James turned to Adonis. "We're here for you, all you gotta do is say the word, and we'll be out of there as quickly as possible, no big deal. Got it?"

Adonis smiled, nodding. This was James, parental figure of the group, while he was the oblivious child and Gabi the child who seemed like he was constantly on crack.

The car stopped, the driver turning to them. "Nosotros hemos llegado.." Páthos.
(We've arrived.. Pathos.")

Fast as lightning, he faced James, not hiding his dissaproval. "Páthos? The Páthos. My sister's club?"

James pretended not to hear him, instead tipping the driver before leaving the car. "Gracias hombre."
(Thanks, man.)

Adonis followed, spying Gabi from his peripheral vision wobble out. "What the hell, James? You know I can't go in there. If my dad finds out-"

"Well, your father isn't here, is he?" He spread his arms, looking around incredulously. "No, I don't see any grey haired, six foot man with an ego the size of Jupiter standing around here."

Adonis frowned. "That's not funny." He had begun pacing now. "If he finds out, I won't leave it down, and this might be the one thing he needs to ship me off to Harvard sooner."

James rolled his eyes again, groaning. "Your father, Donnie, is in Santorini. And he's tormenting whatever poor soul happened to cross him." He placed his hands on Adonis' shoulders, squeezing them reassuringly. "We've got you, man."

The sound of a bottle breaking drew their attention and they both looked to Gabi staring at the glass shards on the floor, cradling his flask close to his chest. He shrugged. "Well, there goes my drink."

James shook his head, facing Adonis again. "I've got you." He winced.
He took a moment wondering what the chances were that his father would find out about him being here. It's not like his sister would tell him. No, she and their father weren't exactly best of friends.

He glanced at the neon sign again, then the line of people waiting to get in. "How are we going to get in?"

James smirked. "Leave that to me."

They headed towards the line, James cutting and heading towards the guards at the entrance. Adonis held on to Gabi, who could barely stand on his own feet. Classic Gabi, getting drunk before the party even started.

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