03. First Time For Eveything

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Sorry for the late update:/
I was trying to put the chapters together. So without further ado; let's play:)

(Edited) Word count: 2909


He'd never felt this nervous since he was eight and had been caught opening Christmas presents before the appointed time.

She -she had yet to tell him her name- had taken a seat opposite him, sitting cross-legged, her hands neatly folded on one knee. She watched him closely, watched him squirm under her gaze, a gaze he refused to meet.

A sly smile graced her lips. "I don't bite you know," She leaned out of the chair, gracefully placing an elbow on her knee. "Well, all the time. Except you want me to." Her voice dropped, the tone it had taken on seducing him in more ways than one. "Do you want me to?"

He swallowed, trying to hide his nervousness, he looked at her then the words died on his tongue. She giggled and relaxed into the chair. "It's okay, you actually hold the reins, so whenever you're ready, so will I."

"Ready for what?"

She shrugged. "To talk. I need to know you well before we begin." She tilted her head, watching him closely. "Your likes, dislikes. All of these are important. It'll help me know how better I can..." She smiled. "please you."

He looked at her, her gaze tempting, stirring a strange emotion in him. "Please me? How?"

"Well," She got up standing behind him, she placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned in. Her sweet cinnamon scent wafting up his nose. There was something else, he recognized vanilla but another distinct scent he couldn't get his finger on. "that's for me to know and for you," She came to his line of sight, kneeling before him. "to find out."
She placed a hand on his knee and he struggled to hide his growing excitement. Why he was excited, he didn't know. She was a stranger, yet he'd never felt more attracted to a woman before.

She licked her lips and he followed the movement with a precise gaze. Watching him with doe-like eyes, she took of a glove from her free hand. "Do you have any illness?"

He shook his head, dazed as she brought up her hand to rest on his cheek, he leaned in when his skin made contact with hers, enjoying the intimacy of the moment. She nodded, her hand on his knee creeping higher in slow movements. "Muscle pain, anything in particular you're not comfortable with, or," She took his hand placing a kiss on it. His breath hitched and he felt his cock stir to life. "anything in particular that hurts you?"

Chest heaving, he shook his head again. Seeming pleased with his answer, she got up abruptly returning to her seat where she sat cross-legged again. "What type of porn did you watch recently, or what type are you more attracted to?"

He looked away, trying to hide his reddened cheeks. "Why are you asking?"

He didn't have to look to know she was smiling or smirking. "Remember, that's for me to know and for you, to find out." They fell silent while Adonis struggled with himself. She was asking for sensitive information, not one he could just give out to anybody, especially someone he'd just met. "Adonis." The sound of his name on her lips drew him like a moth to a flame. The way she'd said it, so calmly, it stirred something in him. He looked at her as she did him. "Trust me." She said softly.

He exhaled, dropping his guard, he didn't know why, but he was compelled to listen to her and he didn't want to fight it anymore. "Can you explain the question?"

She nodded, still smiling. "What type of porn, I mean in relations to roleplay, vanilla, rough, vul-"


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