Can't Help Myself

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"I think I never actually told you how much I love your eyes... They were so nice to look at. They almost changed with the sun, but not so much really...If the light would reflect close to your face then your eyes would be green...but just a shade or two lighter...They would look right through me, I would often feel naked under your stare. I felt like you could see my interior."

"I would be lying if I told you I didn't miss them. I miss your eyes but I also miss you entirely."

"I opened up the box you gave me on valentines day, the day you asked me to marry you."

Andrew was yet again sitting on the ground at night, looking up at the sky and talking to the stars, particularly to that one that reminded him of Dalton.

"I had completely forgotten about it before, I didn't open it to be honest. But your ring...I have it with me always."

He laid back, "I didn't know what you had there, but when I saw what you gave me...It was like you knew our future...Your future..."

"It was a box full of letters, I was so...I felt so loved when I read your letters...I have them here Dalton..." Andrew took out some of the letters that Dalton had given him out of the box, he brought the box with it; he treated it with such gentleness as if it was a newborn child, or an expensive jewel, or a frail old plate from his grandma's collection.

To anyone else that could ever see the box, or how much it meant to Andrew now, they would think it to be ridiculous. But it wasn't, it was anything but ridiculous. He kept things with him in a safe place, all the things he stole from Dalton's house, he kept. It was the memories of him that he wanted to store, he kept everything from shirts and hoodies, to books and his journal, a pillow, the box, and letters.

He all kept it inside a suitcase, the weird thing was that the suitcase was brand new, he specifically went out to buy it to keep those things inside. There were times where he would ponder about how he could just grab that suitcase and run away forever, like his dream of being a vet wasn't important enough for him, and that running away would be easier, a simpler solution in his mind.

Running away would be an easier form to liberate his mind, his emotions and a simpler way to cure those scars he still hasn't yet healed.

But every time he came to the close call of making the decision of running away, only one thought pulled him back from doing so. It was Dalton.

It was ironic, Dalton was the reason he would want to run away yet he is also the only reason why he stays. He knows the stars don't leave the sky, he knows the stars don't sleep, they don't shrink up and die, they stay in the sky. But he believes Dalton's star wouldn't be as visible if he was in an unknown place.

He knows he would feel misfit without his daily talks to the stars, he knows he would feel more empty than he already does if he's away from Dalton star. This was home for him now, someone who used to be his home now turned out to be a place he never expected him to be.

"I brought some of the letters here with me...Just a few...I didn't want to lose them."

The valentines day box was beneath his hands as he caressed it with the same love and energy he would do if this was Dalton. His hands were sweaty, he was nervous, he felt as if the presence of the stars were so much more of eyes looking directly at him than they were actual stars.

He opened the box slowly, his fingers of his right hand touched the brim of the top of the box, his left hand holding the box steady. Once the cube was completely open, he grabbed the first piece of paper that hid inside.

With slightly trembling hands, he held out the letter. "I could read it out loud but I'm not sure if that's appropriate."

So he instead just read it inside his mind, he found this letter to be like a conversation he always wanted to have with him

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So he instead just read it inside his mind, he found this letter to be like a conversation he always wanted to have with him. He did always want to know Dalton's birthday and never understood why he would merely brush it off; but he respected his privacy. He at least guessed it was a personal and heart hitting subject that he didn't talk about.

He then stored back the first letter, then grabbed the next one as he did. Like a claw machine grabbing the treasures that a child so wished for.

The second letter was shorter. It was brief but it made a statement. He understood it completely and didn't have to analyze every single word that was written, it was straightforward, as straightforward that Dalton could be; he liked it because of that.

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For some strange reason, after reading the letter he felt like a white plain piece of paper, he felt empty but not the emotional emptiness he had felt these past months

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For some strange reason, after reading the letter he felt like a white plain piece of paper, he felt empty but not the emotional emptiness he had felt these past months. But as if he was reading, Dalton read him and he felt like the mask he tried to place was useless, he felt slightly ridiculed and his heart hurted at the thought of Dalton thinking he should let go of Andrew, for Andrew to be happy.

A sole tear ran down his face, he couldn't wipe off the thought of what Dalton had felt meanwhile writing this letter. The emotions were so heart touching that instead of grabbing yet another letter, he closed the lid, closing the box completely.

He couldn't read another one, he was drained. He would read another letter in the future, but right now, he couldn't get to it; it was only his emotions getting in the way for him to read the two other letters. 

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