[6] Bangin body

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Akaashi made a post:

might be on my period but i am FiNE😩

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might be on my period but i am FiNE😩

kuroo posted a comment:
come over?

akaashi replied to a comment:
no you were being a dick yesterday

kuroo replied to a comment:

akaashi replied to a comment:
fuck- sorry for your loss

kuroo replied to a comment:
well thank you

teru posted a comment:
akaashi im coming over

kuroo replied to a commment:
back the fuck off Yu

teru replied to a comment:
do you see the picture above? now tell me why the fuck would i back off

kuroo replied to a comment:
because they're taken

akaashi replied to a comment:
how abt BOTH of you come over

teru replied to a comment:

kuroo replied to a comment:
but i dont like sharing you, youre mine :(

akaashi replied to a comment:
oh im owned now? 😩

kuroo replied to a comment:
yes <3

teru posted a comment:
...can i still come over or no?-

kuroo replied a comment:
ya  got 2 hours before im there

teru replied to a comment:

akaashi replied to a comment:
shut up and come over before he changes his mind

kuroo replied to a comment:
yeah you might wanna listen to kaashi

in case you havent gotten the hint; akaashi's trans

also yall wanna see some AkaTeru? 😩

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