[13] Where tf did everyone go

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Hinata made a post:
did all you like die or some shit cause none of you have been online since the 12th🧍‍♂️

Suna posted a comment:
ive been having a re-occurring dream of, not one, but TWO of my friends fucking me absolutely fucking senseless so ive been rather occupied 😄

kuroo replied to Suna's comment:
who are these friends and are they kawa and i

oikawa replied to kuroo's comment:
i second both of these questions

suna replied to kuroo's comment:
you and oikawa go away yall weren't supposed to see this anyways

oikawa replied to suna's comment:
Oh? So it is about Tetsu and I

kuroo replied to Suna's comment:
And why would we do that?

Suna replied to Oikawa's comment:
drown no its not

Suna replied to kuroo's commeny:
why are both of you getting all grammatical and shit stop it

Noya posted a comment:
anyways moving on from 😃that😃 Teru and i have been working on our relationship so the both of us have been really busy

Ushi replied to Noya's comment:
dude so have kita and i

Yama posted a comment:
ive been in bed for a while now cause i cant bring myself to move😋

Atsumu posted a comment:
i had an anxiety attack at work today so ive been cowering in my own self pity

Iwa posted a comment: 
ive been helping Atsu get out of his self pity 

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