Plot twist | DaiBo [short]

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"Bo?" Daishou felt around his surroundings, trying to figure out where his boyfriend was. "I don't like this game!" He whined and put his hands behind his head, trying to undo the blindfold covering his eyes.

"I didn't say you could take it off," Bokuto's voice said lowly. "Keep walking. You'll find it soon enough."

"Can I at least get a kiss before I start bruising up my body on furniture?"

Daishou felt Bokuto's hands on his chin then their lips pressed together, "Thank you." Dai smiled and turned back around, feeling around the walls to see where he was and what he was looking for.

"Bo, can I get a hint as to what I'm looking for?"

"You'll know once you feel it."

Daishou yelled out as his side hit the coffee table. "Okay," He mumbled, rubbing the spot he hit, "So I'm in the living room. Got it." He felt around on the couch, pausing when he felt someone, instead of of something.

"Baby, please tell me this is your face I'm touching."

"Nope." Bokuto's voice was behind Daishou.

"Can I take this off now?" Daishou said, turning to face his boyfriend. "I wanna know who's face I just touched, and I mean in that in, like, the non-weirdest way ever."

"Yeah, go ahead, lovely." You could hear the smile in his voice.

Daishou quickly took the blindfold off his face and turned around, staring at the blond on his and Bo's couch. "You?!" Daishou slowly turned around to look at his boyfriend. "Why are they here!? I don't like them."

Tsukishima scoffed, "Ouch."

"Bitch, please. You know I don't like you and you don't like me either."


"Back to you, Mister." Daishou said, referring to his boyfriend, "Answer the question-- Why are they here?"

"I thought it'd be fun for the 3 of us to go on a drive."

Daishou sighed. "So you're telling me.. I just spent the last THREE HOURS searching this house, only to find one of the people I despise most in this world on my couch and for you to tell me you want the three of us to go on a drive!?"


"I love you, but I'm going back to bed. The two of you can go on a drive. Have fun, knock yourselves out." Daishou put his hand up in dismissal and walked back into his and Bo's bedroom.

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