|| 17 || Sullivan x Angel! Reader

541 15 7

|| Late Nights ||

(HI!!! I forgot who requested this like three years ago, but I had a note that had some requests I never did and decided to update this with some new-found motivation >:D hopefully I'll get the others done too :D)


Ne-no-Kuni has always been a dark place, even during the "day", the world is gray and the shadows are still as dark as ink. Yet at night, the world seems to be just a bit darker.

Inside Ne-no-Kuni lies Castle City, where angel wings are seen as a "Specialty" there. So it would be reasonable for there not to be any angels down there, right?

Well, yes of course, no one would risk losing their precious wings.

But what if you played with that risk, seeing as you never wanted your wings that felt nothing like weights on your back, even when they weren't present.

You are an angel who has fallen from grace, well, more like escaped grace and resided inside the dark world.

And you just happen to want to go get a drink just for this late night.

"You seem to be visiting my bar more often, Mr Sullivan," Maekami mentioned off-handedly as he dried a cup with a small, white rag. "You don't get a lot of breaks from work, so why frequent here?"

Sullivan, who was already head-in-hands on the table, let out a long, discouraged sigh, "My daughter..."

"Ah, as I should have guessed," Maekami sighed from under his mask.

As he was finishing his sentence, the entrance door had opened, bringing in a draft from the outside.

The lights inside the bar were truly too bright in comparison to the void the figure had entered from.

"Ah, it's a pleasure to see you tonight, Mx [Y/N]," Maekami said to the familiar face.

Sullivan lifted his head from his arms in order to see who walked in, curiosity crawling up in the back of his mind, "[Y/N]? Who is—"

"That would be me," You hummed in reply, taking a seat on the stool next to the questioning demon, "and you would be?"

"Oh— It's Sullivan," He replied curiously.

"Well then it's nice to meet you, Sullivan."

"Will it be the usual, [Y/N]?" Maekami asked with his back turned to the two.

You smiled slightly, resting your arms on the countertop, "You know me so well."

Sullivan gave you a questionable look before he opened his mouth, "You seem to come here a lot, yet I've never seen you?"

You let out a quiet snicker, lifting a hand to cover your mouth, "Here, try and come up for a reason why you've never seen me."

That just made the demon even more intrigued.

"Is it because I'm not usually here this much?"


"You only come here on certain occasions?"

"Close, but no."

"You're just as busy with work like me?"

"Not even close.~"

"Do you only come here at this time?"

"Bingo," You replied with a grin.

"So you only come here at night? Why?" Sullivan asked, his curiosity peaked.

Ah, how you have this man wrapped around your finger without even doing anything. It's cute.

"Even if it would be considered worse for me to go out at all with my situation, I find night time to be the most exhilarating time for a quick stroll and stop by the bar, wouldn't you agree?" You hummed, resting your head in the palm of your hand, attention locked on Sullivan.

He perked up at the sudden attention on him, a faint blush making itself evident on his face as he fumbled over his words for a reply.

To that you let out a laugh at his antics, "Easy now, there's no need to react this way to that. My situation is pretty different from yours, isn't it, Maekami?"

That calmed the demon a bit, but now he was looking at the bartender, "Huh?"

Maekami turned his head from Sullivan and back to you before handing you your usual, a simple [preferred drink], "[Y/N] happens to be an Angel that seems to like playing hide and seek with anyone who can try to get their claws on their wings. That's why they only come here at night."

"Huh, an angel in Castle city. You really are playing a dangerous game," Sullivan commented, turning back to you.

You simply shrugged, taking a quick drink from your glass, "It's not like I asked to be born up there with these damned wings. Anything would be better than having these things." You grumbled, your mood dampening as you exposed your wings.

They were tainted black, only some white shown from beneath a few feathers, and even then, your wings were tattered and torn from previous...issues.

Sullivan could only stare at them, which ultimately made you feel just a little embarrassed. With a nervous chuckle, you hid them away again and took another drink from your glass, finishing off your drink. Setting the empty glass on the countertop, you stood up from your stool and readjusted your outfit.

"I think that's enough about me for this meeting. How about next time you tell me about you, Sullivan," You said with a quick wink before looking at Maekami and giving him a quick thanks and a tip.

And with that, you vanished back into the void of night.

The two men were silent for a good bit after you left, but after that time, Sullivan cleared his throat to clear the silence.

"So...what was their 'usual'?"

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