||8|| BlueSea?Sal x Reader

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|||Bloody Nightmare|||


I was running, running as fast I could. The sea was a blood red, no longer it's beautiful blue self. "Y/N~" a familiar voice cooed my name, sounding almost like he was behind me. I suddenly tripped on nothing and landed on my stomach, knocking the wind out of me.

I groaned, tears in my eyes. I was scared and confused, blood was around me, all over the ground. I turned to look up at the sea, but instead, I saw a pair of ruby red eyes "Hiya, Y/N~♪" Sal sang, leaning over me.

I whimpered as I looked up at him, "S-sal..?". 'Why is he here?' I thought, my eyes widening, "Aw, why don't you look so cute when you're scared." He chuckled darkly.

"Why are you here," I asked aloud, "what happened to the sea!?" Sal smirked creepily, "Isn't it beautiful? The red is so much...better." He sighed happily, grabbing the collar of my (Whatever you're wearing on top) and lifting me up harshly.

"You're...not my Sal." I said with whatever confidence I had left, "Tsk, tsk, Y/N. I am the same Sal you've known forever!" Sal rolled his eyes, glaring at me. I glared back at him in fear, "No, no you're not!" I yelled, trying to wiggle out of his grip.

Sal laughed at my struggle. He lifted my chin to look me in the eyes, his blood red eyes..."Dear Y/N, you're not going anywhere," He said, putting his face next to my ear, "this is the greatest nightmare you'll ever have."


"NO!" I screamed, waking up. I clinged onto my blanket and looked around my room, "It was a nightmare...why did he have to be in there?" I whispered to myself, blushing slightly.

Sal, was my friend since I ever moved to this sea. He was the one that showed me around, he was my first friend...he was my first crush.

I shook my head, "I might tell him about this..." I mumbled softly to myself, pulling my legs and putting them over the side of my bed.

I put on my usual outfit and slipped in my shoes/boots. Walking down the steps of my home, I sighed "I need to get this off my chest...off to the Sea Castle!" I yelled dramatically, opening the front door and leaving(you shut the door, duh-)

~///Timeskip cuz I'm a lazy shit\\\~

I walked up to the Sea Castle, marveling the beautiful building that was in front of me. Even though I've seen the Sea Castle plenty of times, the castle still amazes me.

I made it to the front doors and opened them. I slowly walked in and looked around, and saw the albino shark himself standing a few feet away, his back turned to me.

"Sal!" I exclaimed.

Sal yelped and turned around quickly, a surprised look was pasted onto his face, "Ah! W-well isn't it my favorite (sea creature), Y/N!...you startled me." He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

I giggled, "Hiya! So, Sal, can I...tell you something?" I asked, walking into the Sea Castle completely.

"Oh, of course, Y/N! Come, follow me so we're we can talk." Sal replied, motioning him to follow.

I of course followed him. We walked for a minute or two, and he brought me to one of the rooms. He sat down on his knees and I sat in front of him, criss-crossed. "So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" He asked curiously.

I hesitated, "It's about a dream had last night," Sal nodded his head, making me carry on.

(Yada yada, dream montages are boring.)

By the time I was finished with my little story, I was in tears, "I am so sorry you need to see me cry, but I just needed this dream thing off my chest, and you were the first person that came to my mind." I giggled sadly, wiping some tears away.

Sal looked at me with a face with a mixture of worry and shock, "Y/N, it's alright. C'mere." He said with a slight smile, opening his arms for a hug.

I sighed and tackle hugged him, "Thank you." I said loudly, a blush appearing on my face.

Sal chuckled, "You're adorable." He muttered, pecking my forehead.

I looked up at him with a smile, but the smile vanished when I swore I saw his eyes flash red for a second...

It's just my eyes acting up!...right?

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