||13|| Lobco x Reader

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||| Photos for Memories |||

(Hhh, it wont let me center it- hhhHHhhH—)

You murmured something under your breath as you woke up from your sleep. Slowly opening your eyes, you came face too face with the peaceful, sleeping face of your lobster(shrimp?) girlfriend, Lobco.

Smiling, you lifted your hand to move a few loose strands of her hair out of her face, which lead to you accidentally waking her up.

Lobco clung onto you, a faint smile on her lips, "Morning, [Y/N]..." She mumbled.

"Morning," You smiled brightly, giving her a quick kiss before sitting up slowly.

You stretched your tired arms out and groaned, just sitting up for a moment.

"Mm, what're you doing?" Lobco asked, waking up more.

"I'm just getting up, planning to go walk around the outskirts of the town...if you joined me, we could go snap some new photos for your collection thing," you replied, swinging your legs over the bed.

You heard Lobco hum before you felt her move against your back, "Yeah, I'd rather not just sit around all day..."

"That's understandable," you giggled, "now, are you going to get up now too? Or do I need to drag you out of bed?"

"No, no I'm getting up. No need to drag me out of bed," Lobco said nervously, moving away from you and getting up from the bed.

You chuckled and got up and out of the bed as well, going over to your dresser to find an outfit to wear. You decided on (an outfit you'd wear), and when you were done changing, you glanced back at Lobco, who was in her usual outfit, which had some new stitching on it.(because of rOC-)

You sighed and shook away the sudden feeling of murder, taking a moment to get back into your cheery mood again, "Alrighty, let's go!"

Lobco nodded slowly before grabbing her camera from her dresser and taking her place a head of you, and least the room at your side.

You two made your way down the stair of Lobco's house, just to see your father in-law- cough, Cherryblod, sitting by the table.

"Well, good morning girls!" Cherryblod said, looking at the two of you.

"Morning, Cherryblod!"

"Good morning, father,"

Cherryblod smiled and asked, "Where are you two going?"

Lobco explained tha plan, you two were just going to go out and take some pictures for her photo collection, and that it was a nice time to spent some time alone with each other.

"Hm," Cherryblod hummed, "I guess that's okay...just stay safe, dear. That goes for you too, [Y/N]."

You rolled your eyes with a smile, "Don't worry, we'll be fine."


"Look how weird that piece of coral is, lobco!"

"Huh? It doesn't look weird.."

"Look!" You exclaimed, standing next to the piece of coral, which was about two times your size. "It's fricking huge!"

Lobco laughed slight at your act. She hummed and casually snapped a picture of you standing next to the coral. How cute...

You two were on the coral path, not that far away from Lobco's house. While it can't really top your next stop, the sea of stars, the coral path was still a pretty nice place to just hangout around. It was nice and quiet, and that's what the lobster and [Sea creature] couple loved.

You looked over at Lobco, seeing her camera flash, "I'm assuming you took my advise from last time. Take a picture, it'll last longer?"

"No," Lobco mumbled, "I just thought you looked cute in that moment...and so I took the picture." She blushed.

"Aw, lobco!" You chirped, leaving the coral and giving Lobco a gentle hug. "You're so sweet."

"Eh...you're welcome, I guess." She smiled slightly, which made you smile more.

Soon after that, you spent the rest of the morning talking quietly with each other, and you two finally got to the Sea of Stars, which was amazing! Lobco made sure to get as many photos of the stars that fell down, including you.

Some of the photos had the both of you in it, the falling stars frozen mid-fall behind you in the pictures, giving the photos a nice, calm feeling.

What a peaceful morning.


Yay, finally done with this! Now it's time to go do some requests! Yeee-

[SLOW UPDATES] Okegom X Reader | One Shots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora