He cheats pt. 2

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Your pov
After leaving the Mall you felt a slight tear roll down your face. That got to more and more until everything was blurry. Then it happened. Instead on the green arrow you saw a green light. And went. The second you started driving  another car came swerving into you. Then everything went black. To your surprise some one calls an ambulance when you get into a car crash because you woke up in the hospital. You opened one eye and saw Grayson standing there bawling. "What have I done? What have I done? This is all my fault." He mumbled. There was no one else in the room but you two.you quickly close your eyes to show your still asleep. He walks over grabs your hand and said "i didn't mean for any of this to happen. I love you to death. This all sounds so cliché but it's all true. I can't live without you. Please stay with me forgive me because all I can do is tell you how much I l-" You cut him off. "I love you too" you said then kissed him. After that you didn't want to know what happened and why he did it just that he would never do it again.

Hey. Sorry I'm just now updating. It's been a while but I wrote this at like 6 am so don't judge how bad it is. But yeah that's the end of that imagine and trust me there will be more soon. HOLY CRAP THERE IS A HUGE BEE BY ME CAUSE MY SHIRT HAS THE SAME FLOWERS AS THE BUSH NEXT TO ME.

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