Your anniversary pt 2

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Your POV (still)
But that was a year ago. For the past week and a half you have been searching for the perfect gift. You thought and thought and thought. A mini hotdog stand you thought. You searched everywhere until you finally found it at the local Toyshop. You went home as fast as you could and wrapped it. "Does he even remember" Selena asked. "Nope." You said. "Do you want me to tell him?" She asked. "No. I want him to remember it on his own" you said. "Okay" she said and walked to her room. The next morning he called you "hey can you come over at like noon ish? I wanna hang out with you before I hang out with the guys" he said. "Of course" you said rolling your eyes. You went over to his house with the gift. "What's this for?" He asked. "What can I not give my extremely handsome boyfriend a gift?" You asked. He quickly opened it. "THIS IS SO COOL" he screamed. "I'll be right back I wanna plug this in" he said "hey can your grab my coat from the closet?" "Yeah sure"you said. "I'll go get your coat dear even though you don't remember anything" you mumbled under your breath. You open up the closet door as something wrapped falls out. You quickly open it to see a red umbrella. "You know there's a trick to these things" he said. You turned around and started crying and kissed him nearly to death. You thought he didn't remember but he surprised you like always. You spent the rest of the night eating and watching movies. Instead of hanging with the guys.

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