Chapter 1: War

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My Guardian Angle

Ships: Hiccstrid

Rated: T

Authors Note: Hello Everyone! I am back from a well-deserved break. I had my final exams during February. If I pass (which is the most likely scenario) I will be going to 9th Grade. Since these exams are done and I am having vacation. It is time to bring another adventure to you guys. Let's get on with this one!

Chapter 1

He locked his door, feeling the cold air of the early morning prick the back of his next. Fixing his coat collar, he walked on the gravel to his car. He quickly unlocked the car and sat inside. With frosty hands he switched on the heating and put on the radio, turning on the engine.

"And today we will be having a chilly start for the morning, then at around 1 pm temperatures will rocket up, followed by some clouds by around 5 in the evening. Finally, we'll finish with some dampness by nightfall." The radio said as the man turned the corner, he takes to enter the post office he works in.

"There he is!" His co-worker said as he exited the car.

"So how was the weekend?" He asked as they were passing the security check.

"Went on a couple dates, none look to nice thought." He said as they picked up their bags and walked into the main room to their lockers.

"Don't worry mate, I know you'll get something." Suddenly a loud bang and then silence.


"In the early hours of today, another bomb has exploded,"

"Many casualties"

"The government seems to be doing nothing about it"

These phrases filled the war cabinet as everyone sat in silence. A man picked up the remote and shut of the T.V, looking at his men.

"We are supposed to be standing there with the people and fighting off these monsters, but instead here we are." Stoick said looking at the men sitting at the desk.

"Do we have anything on who is responsible?" Stoick asked his head of intelligence, who presented Stoick with some information.

"Good, we need to tighten our defence," Stoick said s everyone started packing up.

"Gobber," Stoick said looking at his long-time friend and butler, "I need you to do 2 things." He said as Gobber huddled over.

"I need you to set up a press conference and send Hiccup over once it's done."

"Ye got it mate." Gobber said as everyone left the room.


Stoick stood in front of the mirror in his room, a picture of his deceased wife sticking out of the side.

"Wish me luck Val." Stoick said leaving the room. Accompanied by his guards, he made his way to the conference room.

"They're ready for ye'" Gobber said as Stoick walked into view. He somehow made his way to the stand, through the blinding lights and the bombardment of questions. He gestured everyone to settle as he began.

"Good morning, everyone. In recent light of these heinous acts being committed against our people, we have a solution. The men responsible for these attacks are the Grimborn Brother, Victor and Ryder. We are trying to locate them as we speak. In terms of defending our country, we are going to tighten security everywhere, restrict trade and check everything traveling to and from the country. We, from the government, ask you to put faith in the people you elected, to handle this situation. Thank you" Stoick finished. Questions erupted as the journalists asked for more statements on other matters. Stoick's guards rushed out, allowing him to leave.

"That went well ay'" Gobber said as they both walked through the white house and back to the bedroom.

"Sometimes I never wished this happened, did you ask Hiccup to see me?"

"I did, he was finishing up 'is homework." With that Gobber left Stoick. Stoick walked up to his room, opening the door to reveal a boy in his early 17's, auburn hair and forest green eyes sitting on the bed.

"Dad, I heard about the attacks and everything, are we going to be, ok?" He asked as his father as Stoick looked back.

"We'll be fine my boy," Stoick said sitting next to Hiccup, "Well at least you'll be."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Son, I'm sending you away." Stoick said as Hiccup looked back in shock.

"What do you mean by that?" Hiccup asked in shock.

"I'm sending you away to Berk, you are going to be far away from all this. A new identity, new school, new home. It's the safest thing I can do for you." Hiccup couldn't think.

"Why?" Hiccup asked as his dad untied the tie around his neck.

"Because I cannot risk losing you too, I've already lost your mother, I refuse to lose you too." Stoick said looking back at his son. Suddenly, the door opened as Gobber walked in.

"Stoick, the lad from secret services is here." He explained.

"Hiccup," Stoick said looking back into his son's green eyes, " Go pack your bag, take the things you will need, everything else from food to housing is sorted out. I love you." Hiccup got up without saying anything and walked out of the room and down the hallway, past the portraits of the previous presidents as he came up to a door. He opened it and stepped into the room he knew all too well. He looked around his bed, nightstand and bathroom for anything he would need. Stashing his toothbrush and toothpaste, he walked out of the bathroom and noticed the dragon soft toy on the head of his bed. His mother had given it to him when he was young. It was the Night fury, it was a figure of old Viking mythology, one of the only things Hiccup had left of his mother. He then packed his sketch book, pencils, some cloths and other things that had importance to him. As he finished packing all his belongings into a backpack, the door opened and a man stood in the doorway.

"Good morning, Hiccup, my name is Johann, from secret services. I'm here to brief you in on your new identity." He said reaching into his pocket and handing Hiccup a passport. He opened it, his face stood out with the name of 'Hunter' as his first name and 'Fury'.

"You are Hunter Fury, from Alaska, your father has had a change of job and has moved to Berk. Your mother died at a young age. Your father works all through the day and that is why he is never home." Johann said as Hiccup looked down at his new life.

"Do you understand?" Johann said as 2 men in black suites appeared behind him.

"I got it." Hiccup said as he was escorted out of the white house building from a back entrance, so that the eyes of the media wouldn't be on him. Hiccup saw a black SUV with the door open. He got inside and buckled his seatbelt in. He knew that he was going to the airport to go to Berk. He finally had time to catch up with himself.

Is this really happening? Am I really about to go and live a double life in this small town called Berk where no one would recognize me? These thoughts remained inside Hiccup's head as they approached the private air strip, where a private jet was waiting for him. Escorted by private security, he got on the jet. The engine roared as they took off into the evening sky.

"Would you like some refreshments sir?" A flight attendant asked Hiccup, who was looking out of the window.

"Some water please." He replied as the woman got him a glass and poured some water. Hiccup could make out the shape of a fighter jet that was tailing the plane incognito.

Finally, some peace. Hiccup thought as his eyes closed as he drifted off into sleep.


Ok and that was all for that one guys. This chapter marks a new start for us all. I am writing these a couple days after I wrote the part at the top. I have some good news; I am going into the next grade for my education.

Thank you, guys, for taking the time to read this.


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