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My Guardian Angel

Ships: Hiccstrid

Rated: K+

Authors Note (19th March): I am so sorry for the long wait on this part. A lot of things happened in my life including me getting grounded for a week Hehe. I am back now and ready to get another chapter out!

Chapter 3: School

"We've made sure that you'll be in the same class as Haddock. There is some concerning news thought," The man told the agent Infront of him, "We've received intelligence that President Haddock has an agent in the school as well and he's making a bloody good job at hiding that person. Be careful, we'll keep trying to find who their identity is, until then you have your assignment."

The agent got up, grabbed the school bag from the floor and made his way out of the house. The door groaned as it opened to reveal a car, a common Honda. He got in as it rumbled to life and took the turn out the driveway. The grunting of the engine turned into a soft purr as it sped up, driving on the highway. After 10 minutes it pulled up in front of a building, the words 'Berk High School' on the bulletin board.

"Good luck." The driver said as the agent got out the car, merging with the swarming crowd of kids all entering the building.


Astrid walked into the school, being greeted by a couple of her new friends. She had been going to the school for a month to solidify her alibi. She made her way up the stairs which was next to the trophy cabinet. Her locker stood out among the rest of them. Astrid punched in the code to open her locker and grabbed all the textbooks she would need that day, shoving it into her backpack. She has stuck some pictures on the inside of her locker, a mirror and a calendar. The day 19th April was circled in red. Wait, that's today! She realised looking at the red circle. She rushed down the hallway and into class 4B.

"Hey Astrid!" Her new friends said as she walked in the class. During her last month of being in in Berk High, Astrid had made friends with a small group of friends. There was Fishlegs who looked beefy and tough on the outside but was a softy on the inside. Then the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut, they first do and then ask questions. Astrid found that even if they were dumb at times, they were also loyal friends. Then there was Snotlout whose ego was bigger than the ocean. He was a bit of a player in the school, always getting rejected by girls including Astrid herself. She found Snotlout to be annoying a lot of the time but was a good friend. Finally, there was Toby, known by them as Toothless as when he was young his teeth came out late causing him to appear toothless. After that incident the nickname stuck. He had joined the school a month before Astrid and managed to fit right in with the group.

She sat down at an empty desk next to them and pulled out her books and pens, ready to start a new day. She looked around at the other members of Class 4B. There were a couple empty seats here and there but she knew that one of them was going to get filled that day. There were some members of the football teams in the class, who as usual ganged up near some of the cheerleading members in the class and flirted. Snotlout had been trying out for a while to get into the football team but never made the cut. Then there was a couple of quite kids, each in a corner of the room. Astrid didn't know their names but she kept an eye on them. There was one that she felt very suspicious about, dark hair and a hoodie on at all times. She noted his shifty eyes as they scanned around the classroom and how he kept away from all socializing. She knew from experience that it's always the quite ones who are the most dangerous.

The bell suddenly rang as the teacher sat up from her desk.

"Good morning! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. To start our new week, I would like to welcome another child to class 4B!" She looked at the door as it opened to reveal a skinny boy with forest green eyes and auburn hair.

ヽ(✿゚▽゚) ノ

Hiccup was filled with excitement and dread while he walked down the hallway to class 4B. It was a childhood dream of attending a real school and having a proper chance of a normal childhood. His whole life he had gotten used to the home tutors who always gave him an upper hand due to his title of 'The President's Son'. Now his time had come to be able to experience new things and the ability to make new friends without the title he was born into. Yet even thought his dream was coming true, he still felt dread. What if someone finds out? What if my secret gets spilled? These thoughts clouded his head as he heard the teacher's muffled voice from outside the classroom.

He opened the door and stepped inside, the warmth from the heating tickled his neck as he stood there with all eyes on him.

"Introduce yourself." The teacher said happily as she sat on her desk looking at him.

"Umm, hello.... My name is Hunter! I moved here from Alaska because my dad got a transfer."

"Go take a seat in one of the empty seats dear." Hiccup spotted a desk next to the window and made his way there, slumping his bag next to the chair and fishing the time table he was given out of his pocket and looked at what classes he had that day.

"Hey, Hunter, right?" A voice said next to him. He was about to reply when his mind suddenly stopped working and all he could do was stare. Astrid looked back confused.

"Umm hello?" She said as Hunter snapped out of his little trance.

"H-Hey, what's your name?"


"A fitting name."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Astrid means divine beauty and...." Astrid felt her cheeks burn red as she did something which she had never done before, she began to blush. Hiccup smiled as he brought out his books for the first period and got comfortable in his seat.

This won't be so bad. Astrid and Hiccup both thought as first period started.


(May 1st) So here we are, almost 2 months of me completely forgetting about this chapter while drowning in holiday homework. I personally really liked writing this chapter and I hope you guys like reading this as well! Wish you all well,


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