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My Guardian Angel

Ships: Hiccstrid

Rated: K+

Author's Note (10th May 2023): So, I'm back, I went on a long vacation, so I couldn't write anything. Sorry. Anyways let's get cracking with this part!

Chapter 7

The concept of sheer will has always baffled scientists for centuries. By having pure determination to achieve something, mankind in some cases has been able to defy their own physical capabilities. Astrid was never sure how this was true, but she always knew the concept of sheer will was true. For the first time, she could feel it. After three days of non-stop work, she'd manage to get a clear picture of all that was going on around her, from Victor's plans and this mysterious assassin to the Government's own plans. Finally, she had a clear picture. The energy taken to go three full days without food, water or sleep finally washed over her as she fell onto her bed completely exhausted.

She closed her eyes, allowing the events of the last week unfold in her mind once again...... 


Tears fled down from her eyes as she sat on Hiccup's bed. She had failed. The weight of it caused her to plummet even further into hopelessness, all she could do was cry. She peered out of the window and noticed a couple of police cars had stopped. She barrelled down the stairs and out of the back door, hopping over the fence and running. Soon the news of the murders of those security guards would go to the local news. She ran through some back-alleys and across a field until she made it to her 'house'.

She almost ran into the garbage bin as she ran into her house. The pain of running so far finally entered her as she slid against the door and sobbed. She really had failed, just like he said she would. She had failed her country, failed her father, failed her job, failed her boyfriend but most importantly, she had failed herself.

After almost half an hour of crying, she managed to get into her bedroom. A new set of clothes felt nice to wear after such a run. She cleaned herself up and drank some water as she sat down on her own bed. Finally composed, she allowed her thoughts to run again. The next course of action would be explaining to her father and Stoick what happened. There was no excuse for her failure. Then the following step would be tracking down Hiccup and rescuing him. Another fear crept over her, Hiccup didn't know that she was a secret agent, that everything in his love life was a lie, a mirage. That hurt a lot more.  


Astrid did not sleep that night. Every time she closed her eyes, it all flashed in front of her. Every moment she had spent truly happy in her life, gone, snatched away from her because of a mistake. Her mistake. Every moment she had spent training, the countless hours of sweat, blood and tears she had given. All to fumble it all up last minute. The guilt felt heavy in her chest, she couldn't even get up off of her bed. Tears kept on pricking the sides of her eyes. Finally, she managed to get some kind of sleep.

The next morning was difficult. It was hard enough for Astrid to even get up, let alone get dressed and go downstairs. She managed to pull every bit of courage left inside of her and walked down the stairs, only for all of it to disappear once again. Sitting on the sofa were the two people she dreaded the most. Her father and Stoick the Vast. From the dark balls under his eyes, she could tell he hadn't got much rest either. Her father on the other hand looked furious.


"Calm down, there's still hope." Stoick got up and said, pacing around the room, "What have you got so far lass?"

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