First night

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Joe got up from Taylor's bed.
- We should turn on our laptops and join the lectures.
- Time flies so fast- Taylor sighed and got out of bed too.
- Of course, I've been kissing you the whole time.
Taylor opened her closet and pulled out a new T-shirt and found Joe still standing in her room.
- get out of here, I need to change-she said trying to push him out of the room
- Can I stay as long as I turn around and don't peek?
- I know you, I'll be there in a minute, I just need to change.
- I'd rather just take all your clothes off and bring them back later tonight - Joe smirked as he kissed her
Taylor brushed him off like an annoying fly and pushed him out of her room. She quickly changed her clothes and looked at her bed with the crumpled blankets. Joe always woke her up with kisses when he came to her room. And they'd either go to sleep together or kiss until their free time was up. She came out and saw Joe watching the news on TV. They were talking about the number of people infected again, Taylor went over and turned off the TV.
- We read all this news on our phones, why listen to it on TV in the morning?
- I thought maybe they'd tell us something new. We've been sitting at home for almost two months now, summer's coming and the situation hasn't changed one bit.
- I know, Joe, but we can't help it.
Taylor kissed him on the cheek and said:
-You're prickly, go shave.
-what if I want to let go of my beard and you're ruining my plans right now? -Joe asked mockingly.
Taylor just smiled and kissed him again. She put the coffee on the stove and Joe went to the bathroom. When the coffee boiled, she looked into the bathroom and saw Joe shaving, looking in the mirror. She walked over to him and hugged him from behind. Joe quickly finished and kissed her and then pinned her against the wall. Taylor felt the cold tile on her back and Joe's hot breath on her neck which was replaced by kisses. Joe kissed her neck, nuzzling her and she could feel the bulge that rested against her thigh. It was both pleasurable and terrifying at the same time, so Taylor pulled away from Joe and said:
-Our coffee's getting cold.
- and I want us to stay here instead of listening to the zoom professor.
- I know, but we have to go.
Joe regretfully pulled away from Taylor and they went back into the kitchen. After a quick breakfast they started studying until late afternoon.
-So, what should we do? -Joe asked Taylor.
- Can you go to the store, we're out of groceries - she asked.
- Okay, I'll get dressed and I'll go.
-thank you- said Taylor stood up and kissed Joe.
Joe pulled her to him and kissed her neck, Taylor pulled him to her lips and he kissed her.
- Okay, I've got some important stuff to do, so you go ahead.
- What's so important? Joe asked.
- I'm gonna make some coffee that's popular in Tik Tok- laughed Taylor.
- God, that's a degradation... - Joe stretched it out.
- I'm having as much fun as I can- Taylor walked away from him to the table.
- yeah, but you're gonna let me try, okay?
- It's degradation! How can you drink that? - Taylor said mockingly.
- The whole Tik Tok thing is degradation- Joe rolled his eyes.
- You've been telling me that for over a month now.
- and you're in it all the time! You're about to start taking pictures in there.
- Just because you're proud and don't download a Tik Tok doesn't mean it's bad- Taylor ran her hand over his face and kissed his nose.
Joe took hold of her waist and with a slight movement sat her down on the kitchen table. Taylor gave an owl in surprise. Joe kissed the corner of her lips.
- I can be bad enough- he smiled.
Taylor put her hands on his shoulders and tilted her head slightly to kiss him. Joe engaged her in a kiss and she ran her fingers through his hair. At some point, Taylor couldn't get enough of that and she wrapped her legs around Joe and pulled him closer to her. Joe pulled away from her and said:
- it's gonna be dark soon, so I'm gonna go to the store.
-okay, I'll be waiting- said Taylor and Joe helped her off the table
After that he quickly got dressed and went to get the groceries and Taylor started making Dalgon coffee. After the drink was ready she sat down by the window and began to sip it little by little while looking out over the city. London was still foreign to her, since she only went outside to the store or the drugstore. Probably if everything was normal she would have loved it, but it did not happen. She loved this apartment but was cool about the city. She left a little drink for Joe and just spent ten minutes looking out the window. It was so quiet everywhere.
There was the sound of the door opening and Joe walked in with three bags full of food. Taylor immediately walked over to him and started helping him. Joe caught her in his arms and kissed Taylor.
- Did you leave me some of your coffee?-he asked.
- Yes, it's not as pretty as it looked, but I'm sure it tastes just as good.
Joe went to the bathroom where he washed his hands for a long time, then changed his clothes and then went back to Taylor who had already put all the food in the fridge and cabinets. After that he took a glass where Taylor had poured her coffee, drank some, and grudgingly grimaced at the
- gross. How could you drink that?-he asked.
- What? It's okay, it's even funny. You just don't want to admit it because it's a recipe from a silly Tik Tok
- No, it's just not good- Joe poured the rest of the coffee down the sink and rinsed out the glass.
Taylor stood there with a blank face and was shocked. Without saying anything to Joe, she silently began to prepare their dinner. She quickly made chicken noodle soup and Joe poured it onto plates. Taylor sat down at the table and ate and Joe ate a few spoonfuls and stopped touching his food.
- What's the problem?-asked Taylor.
-Nothing, I just don't like noodle soup. Maybe I'll just have a sandwich- Joe said as he moved his bowl of soup away from him.
Joe had never rejected Taylor's food before, on the contrary, he always praised it, so she was very surprised.
- Joe, it's chicken soup, who doesn't like it?
- Well, I for one, I really don't.
Taylor looked at him and bit her lip.
- What are you looking at me like that for?- Joe asked her.
- You know, the last person I'd expect criticism from is you. And not because we're dating but because you can't cook and you have no right to make fun of someone who can and is trying to feed you!-Taylor dropped her spoon onto her plate and got up from the table.
- I can cook-Joe countered.
- Don't be ridiculous! You can't live without food delivery!
- Just because I don't like to cook doesn't mean I can't.
- Tell that fiction to someone who doesn't know you- said Taylor, turned around and went to her room.
Joe caught up with her and held her back.
- I'll make you a bet. I'll cook us dinner and if you like it you'll admit you were wrong.
- All right, Taylor agreed. What's the bet?
- A wish-Joe smirked-whatever.
- Considering you're gonna lose anyway, I don't mind. Deal- said Taylor, and then they shook hands, and Taylor, still resentful of him but already anticipating her victory, went to her room.
Joe was doing something in the kitchen, rattling plates, and several times Taylor heard the sound of something falling and cursing. But she continued not to leave the room, for she had decided that she would only come out when Joe called her for dinner. Taylor looked at her watch-it was 7:00 p.m. and she was very hungry to eat. Finally her door opened, and Joe's head appeared in the doorway.
- Dinner is served, come into the kitchen.
Taylor was relieved to put the book she was reading aside and went into the kitchen. There on the beautifully set table were pork steaks, rice with extra potatoes, mushrooms and goroja, and sauces. Everything smelled delicious and Taylor could clearly see that the food in front of her was homemade and not store-bought or delivered.
Joe pulled out a chair for her and she sat in it. When Joe sat down next to her, he reached out to kiss her and asked:
- Now can I be forgiven? And get my rightful kiss.
- I'm still offended, so no.
- Okay then let's eat- with those words he started to put food on his plate.
Taylor did the same and started eating. The food was simple but tasty and she liked it. And it proved that Joe could cook, and even quite well. Joe had finished a long time ago so he sat sipping his juice and watching Taylor. When Taylor had finished her meal too, she sat for a few minutes thinking and then turned to Joe and said:
- Well, you've proven you can cook, so you win the bet.
- No way-Joe said.
-Yes, so what's your wish? -Taylor asked crossing her arms over her chest.
- You know, I'm tired of going to your room every morning, I'd like to wake up with you every day - he paused while Taylor tried to figure out what he was getting at - so my wish is that three nights in a row you sleep with me in my bed, in my room. If after those three days you don't want to sleep there all the time, everything will go back to the way it was.
As he finished his sentence, Joe smirked as he looked at Taylor's bewildered face.
- Let me get this straight, I'm just supposed to sleep in the same bed with you and that's it?
- Yes, but I'm sure you won't be getting much sleep these nights.
Taylor looked at Joe and then stood up and said:
- There's an argument, I agree. Wash the plates, when I go to bed I'll come to your room.
Joe smiled and left to wash the dishes. Taylor, on the other hand, settled down on the couch in the living room and watched a show on Netflix. She spent two hours like that and when she looked around she realized that only the lights were on in the living room and Joe's room. It was time to go to bed. Taylor took a quick shower, changed into her pajamas, and reluctantly went into Joe's room.
He was sitting in a chair in his room, when she came in he got up, put the phone away and asked:
- Are we going to bed yet?
- I don't know about you, but I am.
- So am I-Joe said and then put the phone on the charger and went to bed.
Taylor looked over at him; he was wearing baggy pants and a short-sleeved T-shirt. Taylor, on the other hand, slept in pajamas consisting of shorts and a gray T-shirt top.
She let her hair down and put a rubber band on the nightstand by the bed. Then she lay down on the bed and Joe turned off the light. As soon as the lights went out, Taylor sensed that Joe wanted to pull her closer to him, but she wouldn't let him. After a few tries, Joe gave up and just contented himself with his arm around her waist.
Taylor lay like that for a while and then turned to him. She pressed herself closer to him so that her palms clenched into fists were resting against his chest. Taylor reached out and kissed him. It felt like their lips were drawn together, they just couldn't break the kiss.
- So you forgave me?
- I like you too much to stay mad at you- answered Taylor.
- I'm glad.
Joe felt Taylor's fists loosen and her palms rested quietly on his chest. Gradually she began to run her palms over his chest, exploring his body with her fingers. Very gently and tenderly she ran her fingers under his shirt and met his heated skin. She explored every inch of his skin, occasionally kissing his lips. Her hands gradually moved up to his collarbones and then to his shoulders. One hand stayed on Joe's chest, and the other pulled him to her neck. Their legs intertwined and their breathing hitched. Joe said nothing, not preventing her from exploring his body. When Taylor was done she wrapped her arms around him and Joe kissed her ear as it was closest to him.
- Your idea isn't so bad either-Taylor said as she ran her palm over his cheek.
- I told you, two more nights and I won't kick you out of my bed.
- We'll see about that- said Taylor and nestled comfortably in Joe's arms and began to fall asleep.

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