Heir to the throne

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Chapter 7: Veiss

In an abandoned coal mine, within one of the numerous underground sections.

A small group of youths in bleached-yellow overalls embroidered with the mark of fate had gathered in what used to be a rescue bay. The bay was powdered white, the roof too low for comfort, thick layers of stone dust cushioned the ground and fire-proof lights in every corner brightened the space.
Veiss didn’t disturb the class. Opting to patiently wait and observe from the entrance. He leaned against the rusted door in his midnight blue jumpsuit.
He studied the trainees, all in their mid-teens. They faced each other in pairs, cross legged on the sandy white floor. They were sending each other thoughts through subliminal waves and then expressing those thoughts aloud to each other. A basic technique for mastering the wave controls.

“That’s not what I sent,” a teen said.

“Wrong,” another said.

“No,” a voice said exasperated.


There were numerous cries of no or wrong, he noted shaking of heads and constipated faces as they tried to figure out what their partner had transmitted.

The mind was never meant to be invaded. So the untrained mind found it difficult to separate foreign thoughts from its own subconscious thoughts.  

‘But they will learn.’

And it was imperative they master the skill. Cybermages weren’t only trained to intrude on other’s psyche but the capability to protect their own minds from intrusion.

The trainees displayed varied depths of understanding so their results differed. But none of them were anywhere near grasping the wave controls.

‘Well, except one.’

Veiss pulled down his shades to get a better look. He considered the girl-boy pair at the centre most front.

“You’re an annoying little bitch,” the girl said and rolled her dark eyes at the lack of creativity. 

“Correct,” the pale boy said through grit teeth.

They exchanged a few more subliminal waves and the girl was getting them all right.

‘She must be the one, Khumalo.’

She matched the description he’d been given. Thinly braided dark hair, brown skin and her face was littered with gold piercing: she had a nose ring, a piercing on the corner of her lip, a pair of piercings on her brows and the rims of her ears were lined with golden studs.

His expression became grave. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like her. He didn’t like how often he was hearing her name in the circles he frequented. It gave him a sense of déjà vu.

‘Too reminiscent of how I rose to my current standing.’

Despite his status as the first heir, his position wasn’t safe. The charismatic second heir spent too much time with the master and people were starting to talk. He didn’t need yet another heir coming in to threaten his chances of succeeding the master.

Being an heir in the AoF had nothing to do with blood. Heirs were talents who had the best mixture of potential, leadership and intelligence. Hence the master chose him and the second as his heirs.

Despite the master being some way before retirement there was a need for a line of succession. Firstly, to prevent a repeat of the faction wars that befell the clan when the 1st Master Fate was incarcerated by the GCPD over two decades ago. The faction wars had almost destroyed the clan and had only ended when the 2nd Master Fate was crowned.

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