What even is this?

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I don't remember anything about this next one, sorry about that.


If I could go back and change everything, I would do it. I would have said something differently, done something that made more sense. But there are no time travelers in my story. There is no magical rock or wand or hourglass that could reverse time for me, only a piglin man and his family. There are only unruly storms, bands of pirates, and even magical creatures that seemed unknown to man before this day and age. But now there is ruin and destruction. And as I sit on my beach, looking out over the water on fire, I put my head in my hands and weep.


Techno hated royal tours with the passion of a thousand suns. He wanted to tear the crown off his head and spur his horse to go far far away from this hell show. Maybe a sparring lesson with the incompetent guards or a relaxed time in the beach, something that didn't include actually talking to people.

Instead, he smiled benignly and waved down at his subjects-to-be. He blessed peasant babies with empty words and pretended to listen to the words of the grateful men. The babies would never remember this and the men were all jealous of his easy life and high standings, they didn't particularly care what villages he went to.

Phil, Tommy, and Wilbur rode behind him, doing the same but on a much smaller scale. Phil had been doing this since he was fifteen, the age his parents were killed and he ascended to the throne. He was a professional at this point, accepting praises with grace and kind eyes. Wilbur was a bit shakier, nearly flinching when people shouted about him. He was 16 now, the prime age to be looking for a wife, and every woman in the kingdom with no husband took that to heart. Girls anywhere from 10 to 80 were looking for his hand in marriage and it was completely freaking him out. Tommy thought it was great though, he kept making relentless fun of his brother.

Speaking of Tommy, the 15 year old clung to Phil and waved at the crowd. He adored the attention, sucking it up like a sponge and retaining it. The crowd loved him too, the rash young boy with a charming smile, even more charming words, and a love for pranks. Everyone in Techno's family was adored, even himself, surprisingly. Fatherly Phil who brought the Antarctic Empire from ashes to a glittering gem in the world. Beautiful Wilbur who caught everyone's eye and made people swoon. Charismatic Tommy with hair of gold and a personality of a sprite. Techno had heard whispers that he was to be a great king, a strong young man with a heart of gold who would keep their kingdom safe at all costs.

He was about to finish off his visit. It was almost over, and then they could ride back home and Phil could take the reins. He could find somewhere to hide, to unwind. The sun was well into the sky now, barely warming their backs. Spring had ended and summer was going to begin soon. Summers were always mild, barely even seeming warm enough to plant and harvest crops. He finished shaking hands with the last woman when he heard shouting and even a loud scream. His head snapped up and he made eye contact with Phil. The villagers, on the contrary, didn't even seem to think anything of it. A few sighed and looked at each other with resignation.

"Techno," Phil said, the warning apparent in his voice. Techno cocked his head, trying and failing to conceal a smirk. "I don't know what shifty plans you have in that head of yours but don't do it."

"Wow, I'm usually the one receiving the 'don't do it' talk. I say do it," Tommy chimed in. Wilbur just shrugged.


Techno spurred his horse into motion, ignoring Phil's enraged shouts, and headed towards the shouting. The wind whistled in his ears as he rode so he followed his original path. He came across a clearing and the sight was almost magical.

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