A Terribly Wonderful Idea

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It did not take long for Robert to reach Abigail's house. He stood at the front gate and looked up at the large house. The front porch was surrounded by blooming hydrangeas and Robert knew he had found the right house. It only took him a minute to build up the courage to walk up the steps and knock on the front door. Robert was practicing what he was going to say in his head depending on who answered the door. If it was Abigail, he did not know if that would make him more or less nervous than being greeted by her mother or father. The door opened and to Robert's surprise, it was not anyone he was expecting, it was Clara. The two stared at each other for a few seconds until Clara broke the silence, 'Are you here to see Mr. Taylor' she asked him since it seemed like every person that came by was there to see William. Clara watched as the man tried to find an answer, he seemed nervous to her which only made Clara more curious about him. Robert was trying to think of what to say until he could finally compose an answer, 'You could say that, yes' he told her as Clara gave him a strange look. Clara thought he looked too young to be any kind of colonel in the army and William did not see soldiers, which made her question the young man's presence, 'Can I ask your purpose here sir' she asked him trying to be polite as she could. Robert was surprised at Clara's question, but he knew he should have had that answer before he arrived, 'I... I am here to see Mr. Taylor, about his daughter Abigail, I am Robert Shaw' he told her. Clara's concerned look turned into a wide smile as she heard his answer, he was here to see Abigail, Clara knew that something was different with Abigail when she had gotten back from the party last night but she could not figure out what it was. Clara moved to the side and allowed Robert to enter the home. As Clara was closing the door she looked at Robert whose eyes were looking all around the entryway, she could not believe that the handsome young man was the reason her dear friend Abigail had been so happy the evening before. Robert turned back to Clara who stood up straighter when he looked at her, 'I will let Mr. Taylor know of your presence Mr. Shaw' Clara says making her way to William's study turning back and looking at Robert who had his hands folded behind him and was looking around.

Clara knocked and entered William's study when she heard him grant her entrance, 'Clara, what can I do for you' William asks the young girl looking up from the papers scattered across his desk. Clara smiled and stood in front of Williams desk, 'Sir there is a young man here to see you, he says his name is Robert Shaw' Clara tells William. He tries to think of the name but he does not recall anyone named Robert Shaw, 'Clara do you mean Francis Shaw' William questions in case Clara confused the first name of the man because William knew of a Francis Shaw that resided in west Roxbury. Clara knew she was correct and she confidently shook her head at William's question, 'No sir, he said his name was Robert Shaw' Clara told William, 'Okay see him in' he told her.

Robert heard the door open and looked in the direction the young woman had gone. She came down the hall and gave him a smile, 'Mr. Taylor will see you in his study' Clara told Robert. He took a moment to straighten his jacket and brush his hair back making sure he looked presentable. Clara noticed and as she was walking down the hall she turned to Robert, 'You look handsome, do not worry about Mr. Taylor' she told him before opening the door to the study. Robert smiled and nodded at Clara in thanks of her kind comment, 'His first name' Robert whispered to Clara as he entered the study, 'William' she whispered back before shutting the door and leaving Robert and William alone in the study.

William stood and stared at Robert for a moment, making Robert more nervous than he already was. Robert decided to take charge and introduce himself, 'Robert Gould Shaw, sir' Robert said holding out his hand across the desk. William looked at Robert's hand and shook it, 'William Taylor' he said sitting down and gesturing Robert to sit in one of the chairs placed in front of his desk. Robert sat and looked at William waiting for him to say something. The longer that William took to speak the more nervous Robert became, he had never done something like this before, coming to a woman's father to introduce himself hoping for the father's approval so her could spend time with his daughter. William leaned back in his chair and looked at Robert, even though William knew Robert was becoming nervous, he had been through the same conversation with a few young men just like him. He cleared his throat and began to speak, 'What is your mother and father's name, Mr. Shaw?' William questioned the young man. Robert was relieved with the easy question, 'Francis and Sarah Shaw, we reside at 28 Chestnut St. here in the neighborhood' Robert told the man regretting his words after they left his mouth, Mr. Taylor did not need to know his home address. William nodded at the young man's answer, 'I see' William said realizing why the address sounded familiar was due to his family attending the party there last night, 'I suppose this has nothing to do with the military and more my daughter, Abigail' William said to Robert. He agreed with the man, 'Yes, the main reasoning for coming today is your daughter' Robert told the man who did not seem to like him very much.

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