Goodnight, Mr. Shaw

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Standing to his feet Robert nodded his head to William and thanked him for his time. As Robert was leaving William realized his plan was not working, he was leaving and Abigail would never know the young man came here today. He felt the need to say something to the young man but the door shut to the study and William was left in the room all alone. He felt terrible for the young man but he knew he had to keep what would be best for Abigail in his mind.

After shutting the door to the study Robert stood for a second outside of the room replaying the conversation that had just occurred. Robert did think that it was going to go much different than it did, he thought her father was going to like him and then he would meet her mother, and then he would see Abigail with her contagious smile. But none of that happened, with the feeling of defeat Robert knew it would be best for him to leave. Making his way down the hall to the door, Robert stopped before opening it, he couldn't, something was drawing him to Abigail and telling him to turn around and fight for her. With a reassuring nod to himself, Robert turned around to go back and plead his case to Mr. Taylor, but there she was. Abigail was smiling and coming down the stairs, her hair was pulled back, but not tight like the other woman wore where it looked almost painful, it was loose and framed her face perfectly. Robert noted the simplicity of her clothing, a white blouse with a navy skirt, so simple yet he felt his break taken away with her beauty.

Abigail with her contagious smile caused Robert to smile back at her, 'Robe-' Abigail stated to say until she saw her father from the corner of her eye coming down the hall with a storage look that was gazing upon Robert. Fixing her tone, Abigail spoke, 'Mr. Shaw, what a pleasure to see you' she said with a sophisticated voice as she stood in front of Robert. Noticing William as well, Robert smiled at Abigail, 'Miss. Taylor, you look beautiful' he told her before taking and placing a kiss on her hand, 'It would be a pleasure if you would accompany me on this day' he spoke. William listened to the boy speak as a smile appeared on his face because he knew his plan to marry Abigail to an actual respectable husband was in place. Abigail nodded with a smile and interlocked her arm with Roberts in preparation to leave the house. William called Roberts name causing the young man to freeze and slowly turn his head around, 'Do not forget our conversation' he said with a smile before turning and disappearing down the hall. Robert turned back and smiled at Abigail who was curious about the conversation her father spoke of, she assumed it was about Robert being true and kind to her, but as Robert opened the door and led them out the thought quickly escaped her mind.

Robert and Abigail walked to the Shaw property, the whole time the conversation never died down, they spoke of their travels and education, what they loved most and how neither of them enjoyed parties that much. It was to both of their surprises how much they had in common and how long they could have a conversation without an interruption of awkward silence. Robert took Abigail to a large great elm tree that sat at the end of their property and overlooked a large meadow where Robert would often see deer and sometimes rabbits. He often came here by himself, he had once brought Effie when she was twelve, but she got bored very quickly, yet he knew that Abigail would enjoy the shady spot under the tree as much as he did.

Abigail's eyes gazed upon the tree, it was large and its dropping branches provided a blanket of shade. It reminded her of the trees in Charleston, South Carolina, one of her favorite places. Abigail loved the architecture of the southern mansions in Charleston and how the trees and the homes seemed to compliment each other. After sitting under the tree, she told Robert all about her visits to Charleston, the trees, the homes, but after her enthusiastic praising of the city, she fell quiet and seemed to have something weighing on her mind. Robert noticed, and was unsure what he should do, he loved hearing Abigail talk about her life and the things that made her who she was, and he wanted to hear more. Abigail snapped herself from her thoughts and smiled at Robert, 'Sorry, I was thinking about the city and...' Abigail could not finish her sentence, but she was thinking about the horridness of slavery that she had witnessed while in the city. Robert placed his hand on Abigail's shoulder, he wanted to jerk it away as soon as he did realize it may be inappropriate, but the two were sitting together alone under a tree a mile from the closet person, therefore everything they were doing was inappropriate. To his surprise, she placed her hand on top of his and turned to give him the contagious smile he had come to adore so quickly.

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