The Salty Sea Air

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Making his way up the steps to Abigail's front door with the flowers, Robert's heart was beating so fast he was sure anyone who stood in front of him could hear it. He was worried Abigail would still be angry at him for wasting the perfect moment and making her feel like she did not mean as much to him as she truly did. There he stood at the door. He fixed his hair and made sure his shirt looked presentable before he knocked on the door. Robert knew that it would most likely be one of the Taylor's helpers that would answer the door, so he had a few more minutes to prepare what he was going to say to Abigail. Taking a deep breath in, he knocked and stood back to wait for an answer. The door opened and appeared Abigail. She stared back at him and held a blank expression on her face, trying to hide how happy she was that Robert had come to her doorstep. Robert felt his throat tighten up as he forgot how to speak, he was not expecting Abigail to answer and he had not prepared what exactly he was going to say to her. Doing the only thing that came to his mind, Robert flashed Abigail a warm smile, but her face stayed blank. 'Miss Abigail, you look beautiful, as always' he told her 'I brought you these, from our gardens' Robert said holding out the bouquet. Although Abigail was trying to keep a stern face, her eyes went to the flowers and it was as if her heart had taken over her body and a smile appeared on her face, 'Hydrangeas' she said softly looking back at Robert, who seemed to be holding his breath waiting for Abigail's response.

Looking back into the dining room making sure her parents were preoccupied with their breakfast, Abigail stepped out onto the porch and closed the door behind her.

'Hydrangeas, are my favorite' she told Robert, 'Yes, I do remember' he said as a smile reappeared on his face, 'I must ask, what is the occasion for such a gesture, Mr. Shaw?' Abigails 'Mr. Shaw' made Robert want to winch at the sound of it, for just a day before she was addressing him as Robert. He felt his cheeks turn red as he thought, should he address the real reason for the flowers, surely Abigail knew the reason if she was still addressing him as 'Mr. Shaw.' Robert's long moment of silence was interrupted by Abigail's voice, 'Thank you, for the beautiful flowers' she said smiling before turning to go back into her home.

'Wait' Robert objected as he grabbed Abigail's free hand. Having no choice Abigail turned back to Robert and she could not help but smile at his objection to her going back inside. Robert noticed her smile and he returned it. Gathering his composure, Robert stood up straight and cleared his throat. With Abigail's hand still in his Robert began to speak, 'I came to say, I would like to spend more time with you, Miss Abigail, if you would allow it' he asked. Abigail felt all of her worries about how Robert felt towards her wash away as Robert continued to speak, 'You have quite an effect on me, if I am to be honest' he told her. Abigail took a few steps away from her house, and a few steps closer to Robert before responding to his proclamation. 'A good effect, I hope' she says causing Robert to produce a small laugh, 'Yes, yes a very good effect' he told her. Abigail unknowingly mocked Robert's small laughter at his answer, 'I will have to give some thought to it, spending time with you' she told him, and the smile that appeared across Robert's face quickly disappeared, 'Yes, I understand' he told her. Abigail took a deep breath and nodded, 'Okay I have given it some thought and yes I most definitely want to be with spend time with you, of course' she said smiling to cover her mistake.

As Abigail smiled, Robert knew what Elizabeth had told him to do helped him out tremendously and now it was time to do as his mother had told him. 'It is a beautiful day, Miss Abigail, I am certain the beach will be very pleasant this day, if you would like to accompany me and my dear friend Glory' Robert said as he shifted to stand next to Abigail and look out at Glory standing on the other side of the Taylors fence, 'We would be very happy' Robert concluded. Abigail looked out at Glory, she had always been around horses when living in central Massachusetts, but she had never learned to properly ride one. If she was, to be honest to herself, Abigail was a bit fearful of the large animal, but she would not let it show, especially in front of Robert. 'Of course, Robert, I would love to' she told him but the only word he cared about was Robert, and he was replaying the sound of her saying it in his mind. Abigail knew she had gotten caught up in the moment and let addressing Robert by his first name slip through her lips before she could take it back, but she did not ponder over the thought for long, for she had to give the flowers to Clara and alert her parents of where she will be for the day. 'Please come in, I am going to put the flowers in water and I must tell my parents of our arrangement' she told Robert opening the door and welcoming him in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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