Love Sick

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There was not a sound at Shaw residents as the night began to turn into day. As the sun rose and the morning came Francis and Sarah sat in the dining room waiting for their children to come down after being called to breakfast.

The girls were there, the food was set, but Robert was nowhere to be seen. Elizabeth came to refill Francis' cup with coffee and noticed the absence of Robert, 'Did no one call upon Robert for breakfast' Sarah asked. Francis did not say a word and the girls exchanged looks that gave away their answers. Elizabeth assured Sarah that she did. Sarah instructs her family to begin breakfast and she will go to get her son. Before Sarah can make her way up the stairs Elizabeth appears, 'Mrs. Shaw, I am not sure I am supposed to tell you this, but it is the girl, Abigail' she tells her. Sarah knew something must have happened and that it was troubling her son, 'Thank you, Elizabeth, I fear sometimes you know more about my children than myself' she says before making her way up the stairs and to Robert's room.

Sarah hesitated to knock on the door, wondering if she should be questioning her son but with the thought of Elizabeth knowing more about her children than she did, she decided to knock. There was nothing. Sarah knocked again and there was still not a sound. 'Robert it's mother' she called and yet there was still no response. She tried opening the door but it was locked, why would Robert do such a thing, she thought, this was very unlike her son, 'Robert open this door this instant' she called. With that, she finally heard the shuffling of sheets and the creak of the floor. The door unlocked and there stood her son, 'Oh Robert, you look unwell' Sarah said pressing her hand to his forehead. She felt no temperature and gave Robert a look that demanded an explanation. Robert stood silent, his hair was flying in every direction and his nightshirt was untied, he had barely slept the night before, the sound of Abigail saying 'Goodnight Mr. Shaw' and then closing the door repeated in his mind the entire night. Sarah had never seen her son like this and waited until her son gave an answer. He sighed and stood aside letting his mother enter his room.

Robert refused to tell his mother about the events of the previous day, everything from the conversation with her father to the events that took place in the garden. What he did tell his mother was that he did not feel up for breakfast, or talking to anyone. Sarah did not like that answer and Robert knew she would not be satisfied with it. 'Robert, is this' she began not knowing how to say the next few words 'about leaving in eight days, for the war' his face revealed what she came to find out, 'Abigail is a wonderful girl, perhaps she will understand and wait for you, like I did your father.' Robert knew what his mother wanted, and it was for him to talk to her like he has always done, but his time with Abigail, he wanted to keep that between only himself and Abigail. He knew he could not tell his mother of William's request to not marry Abigail.'Abigail is special, but I can not marry her mother, it is not fair to her' Robert told his mother. Sarah knew her son better than anyone and she knew that he was only lying to himself. 'Robert, do not make decisions for her, you don't-' Sarah began but was interrupted by Robert who had raised his voice at her, for the first time in his life, 'I am not making a decision for her, there is no decision to be made, I can not... I will not marry her, I am off to this bloody war and only God knows what is to become of me.'

Once again the room fell silent, Sarah did not know what to say to her son and Robert did not either but he knew raising his voice to his mother when she was only trying to help was not the answer. He sighed 'Mother I am sorry, I should not have raised my voice but you do not understand' he told her. Sarah gave a pitiful nod pretending to understand her son, 'I know you do not discuss the war with me, and I know you are.. worried, but Robert do not punish yourself, I saw a different side of you yesterday with her and I do not want you to do something you will regret' she told him, 'Mother I am afraid I have already done that' Robert told her. 'Robert I am overjoyed you have found someone like her, but I can tell that you do not want my input on these matters' Sarah tells her son as she begins to leave his room and join the rest of the Shaws at breakfast, 'But Robert, you can win over any girl with a surprise visit and horse ride to the beach, just ask your father' she says before leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.

Robert was left alone in his room with only his thoughts and the lingering words of his mother. Should he win Abigail back, should he spend time with her. He knew the terms that her father had established but there was something in him that wanted to rebel against them. He thought his mother may be right, maybe he should not punish himself and Abigail. Without a second thought, Robert began to rummage through his drawers to find his most presentable day attire so that he could win his Abigail back.

Before making his way to the stables to retrieve his horse Robert entered his family's parlor where his mother and three sisters sat. Sarah was embroidering while Susanna read a book and Effie, along with Nellie, played chess. They all looked surprised by their brother's presence, especially Sarah, 'I am off with Glory, do not wait up for me' he told them, 'Off to promenade with Abigail' Effie asked as Nellies laugh followed. Robert eyed his mother, 'Girls, checkmate already' she asked as they turned their attention back to their game. 'Please have her over again, it was nice to discuss books with someone who actually enjoys them' Susanna said eying her little sisters. Robert smiled at her request and turned his attention to his mother waiting for her answer, 'Give Abigail my greetings' she told him and he nodded, making his way to the stables. Robert did not mention he would be seeing Abigail and yet his whole family knew and seemed pleased he was.

Robert entered the stables and Glory was being brushed by one of the stable boys. The large brown horse stood enjoying being pampered. The stable boy noticed Robert's presents and nodded towards him, 'I apologize I do not have Glory prepared for a ride Mr. Shaw, I was not aware you would be riding today' he said. Robert shook his head and insisted there was no problem for he was not aware he was going riding today too. While the boy prepared the horse, a woman cleared her throat trying to get Robert's attention, 'Elizabeth, what can I do for you' he asked when he saw the bouquet of flowers she had gathered from the garden in her hands, 'Speak from your heart and give her these, Miss. Abigail can not stay mad after' she told him with a smile as she walked off before Robert could say a word. He stared at the flowers, which were a light shade of pink and blue hydrangeas, Abigail's favorite. 'Glory's ready sir' called the boy jerking Robert from his thoughts, 'Right, thank you, John' Robert told him as he mounted his horse.

Abigail paced her room as Clara tried to follow Josephine's instructions, which were to get Abigail dressed and down to breakfast, as simple as the instructions sounded, Clara found it was much more difficult to complete this morning. She gathered Abigail's favorite white shirt and a skirt that had nobody, but always looked nice on Abigail, and tried to catch her whenever she would cross over to the side of the room Clara was at. 'Abigail, your mother requested you at breakfast ten minutes ago' Clara pleaded with Abigail as she continued to pace, 'Clara you may tell her that I am not hungry and have more things to worry about, such as the fact that Robert does not feel the same way about me as I do him' she said finally plopping down onto her bed and throwing herself back. As she stared at the canopy above her bed she wondered what had gone wrong, what had she done that made Robert act the way he did. 'Clara he was there and I was there, it was perfect, too perfect, and yet he said 'I should get you back'' Abigail said in her mocking manly tone of voice. Clara sighed and knew that trying to get Abigail to dress was of no use anymore, 'Abigail I can not speak for Mr. Shaw, but perhaps he was just nervous by your presence and he cares for you so much that he did not want to mess things up' she said hoping it would calm Abigail down. Abigail was too hardheaded to let Clara's suggestion enter her mind, she had already decided that Robert did not like her and that she may have to settle for Theodore Warren after all. Abigail was quiet for a few minutes and Clara began to speak again, 'Abigail, breakfast in the dining room, with your parents' she said holding up the clothes Abigail was to wear. With a sigh, Abigail pulled herself up from her bed and gave Clara a small forced smile, 'Right, and thank you Clara for your optimism, but I am afraid reality is much different' Abigail told Clara before starting to get dressed.

Staring at herself in the mirror Abigail replayed the events of the night before in her mind still wondering what had gone wrong. The white shirt and pale pink skirt looked nice together and Abigail left her hair down today instead of styling it back, she looked very relaxed and she was pleased. Clara had already left to go downstairs and Abigail knew she needed to be down there, she could practically hear her mother telling her she needed to make haste to the dining room. So on the rare occasion, Abigail did just that, she left her room and made her way down the stairs, and started toward the dining room until there was a knock at the door.

Authors Note:

I had a hard time coming up with a name for this chapter so please leave your suggestions if you have an idea. Thanks for reading.

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