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" i can keep a secret, could you...?" as he said that to me, i looked in his eyes. the pure and raw emotion within his eyes was undeniable, love, lust, passion, despair. looking in his eyes was like looking down a well, and what's reflecting back at you is your soul.

" kokomi... kokomi ? wake up wake up ! you have to get it up !! "

i feel tiny little hands lightly tapping my cheek, i open my eyes ever so slightly just to immediately shut them again. the flaxen sunlight peaking through my curtains, hits me directly in my eyes.

of course i was dreaming

rolling over, i brush the messy curls out my face and open my eyes to see the cutie in front of me.

" goodmorning saeko, thank you for waking me up this morning "

i smile back at her after seeing her adorable toothless grin, i sit up and stretch my back. my back always hurts in the morning, probably because i've been sleeping on this same twin sized mattress since i was twelve. i pick saeko up and place her beside my, making sure she is snuggled up with me.

" how did you sleep sae ? you're up earlier than normal "

" well.... " she starts off, she's starts becoming flustered and fidgety " i got scared, i know i promised that i would sleep in my own bed ... but it's just so scary, i couldn't do it so i slept with you... i'm sorry komi ". she tucks her head into my shoulder, and pulls the blanket over herself.

hearing her says that tugged heavily at my heart strings, she's so little but amazing at expressing herself. she's honestly better than some adults.

i chuckle at myself, rub her head.

" you know what, it's okay. you still have so much time to practice, so don't worry about it okay? ", i pull the blanket off her, wiping away her tears i kiss her on the cheek.

" let's go get some mickey waffles, how about that? does that sound good? "

" hmm, okay "

a cheeky smiles starts to form on her little face, squeezing my heart even more than before.

i take her down stairs to kitchen, and take out the supplies for pancakes. i take blueberries and raspberries out as well, knowing that sae loves fruit in her waffles. i start pouring the waffles into the maker and notice saeko watching me.

" so saeko, how do you feel about me moving today? are you excited? " i ask watching happy expression shift to a concentrated one.

" hmm, im sad a little bit but i'm happy because i still gets to visit you. so bored happy and sad and excited and and yea. " a smile appears again between her rosy cheeks. i smile, her energy is just so contagious.

" so you're happy, sad, and excited huh? i'm glad you're not too sad baby. im gonna miss you bunches, but i'll facetime you, send your letters and presents. so when you come visit me, you'll still have part of me at home "

" mhm ! i love gifts and present, and letters... even though i can't read i'll learn !! " she furrows her eyebrows and sticks a finger in the air with determination.

" but uh, what's a facetime? "

" oh right, i have a gift for youuu. you can get it after you finish eating and getting ready for the day. " i set the plate with a waffle and strawberries in front of her with a learners fork.

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