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i really can't believe i have to move into the same house as the people in managing... i don't even know who they are yet. maybe... maybe taking up this job was a bad idea..


i wake up early today, starting my morning routine right away. i ate a simple breakfast of oatmeal with strawberries, and orange juice.

freshening up quickly, i throw on some casual clothes. a white rib-knit crop halter paired with a brown oversized zip up jacket, black flare leggings and brown high top converse.

by the time i finish everything only 30 minutes have passed by, i quick get a taxi and make my way back to the store i went to yesterday. i didn't expect to get hired on the spot so i thought i would've had more time to get acceptable clothing for work.

we arrive and immediately know what i want to buy, i get slacks, skirts, cardigans, and blouses in many different colors. i don't get any bright colors, neutrals colors only.

the end total was about 838.757k won. ( about 678$ ) my bank account was aching from all the spending i've been doing recently, but hopefully my salary will be good enough to refill my recent splurges.

i get back to the hotel around 9am, i packed up all my new clothes leaving out some cloths for today. all my personal items from my capsule was all packed in less than an hour, i changed into brown slacks, with a white blouse paired with a brown cardigan, and black flats.

10am rolls around and my chauffeur arrives. the driver was not the same person as the day before, this person seemed much younger and taller as well. never the less, they opened the door for me making sure to close the door once i was all situated before going to put my luggage in the trunk.

just as before, ms.lee greets me and taking me into the headquarters. my luggage was taken out the car, and went... somewhere?

" so may have a few questions, but i'm going to give a quick briefing so hopefully that answers a few " her pearly whites flash at me, but they quickly disappear as we enter the elevator.

" you will be managing a kpop boy group, there are seven members. the hyung line consists of four boys, the oldest of the hyung line heesung 21 yrs old, jay 20 yrs old, jake 20 yrs old, and the youngest of the line sunghoon 20 yrs old. the maknae line consists of three boys, the oldest of the line being sunoo 18 yrs old, jungwon 17 yrs old, and the youngest of the line ni-ki 16 yrs old. "

i was overwhelmed by all the information being throw at me, but i tried my best to keep up at least remembering their names.

" you'll get to know each of them more and more, especially since you will be living with them but overall they're nice well rounded kids. their previous manager... well let's just say things didn't end well with them and the ceo "

..... wtf does that mean

the elevator stops and we get into a shuttle, it starts and we make our way over to the house. i didn't expect for the headquarters to be this big, but it's pretty cool.

" the groups name is enhypen, they debuted in november of 2020. they are preparing for their newest come back " dimension : 閃光 ". their producers mainly deal with those issues, you'll mainly just schedule their interviews, manage their schedules, get them to practices, and pay attention to their overall health, the previous manager cooked for them but it is not required, that's basically all you are required though. we have house keepers to clean "

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