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7:30 am, tuesday morning

i hear my alarm quietly going off, reluctantly i get up. stretching and checking the time, i decide to get breakfast before heading out to freshen up for the day.

( a / n | i don't remember if in korea, when you're in a hotel if you eat breakfast in your pajamas at a hotel or not butttt let's pretend i know :D )

i had planned my day ahead yesterday with saeko in mind. today i've decided i'll go to a kakao friends store, and if i have time i'll also go to the insa central museum.

i order a taxi while i finish my coffee, and then brush my teeth again so my breath is fresh. once the taxi arrives i give the driver directions to the hongdae flagship kakao friends store.

the ride was relatively long, with a bit of small talk here and there. i arrived around 10am, thanking the driver and paying i get out and head inside the store.

i'm quite glad i picked this location, they are open until 10pm ( 22hr ) so i'll take my time and  leisurely explore the store.

the store was quite big, there were many sections too. i enter the store and the first thing is a hawaiian theme section. it was adorable, lots of plushies had grass skirts on, characters in pineapples and melons, etc. there was also was huge ryan statue with a blue hoodie on.

i took lots of pictures of all the statutes, and the different sections. my favorite section was the stationery jordy section, saeko's favorite kakao friend character is jordy.

i looked around and picked up multiple things, only jordy themed though. i grabbed about 4 jordy items for saeko, i decided to go back downstairs and get two plushies for me. i ended up getting a ryan and apeach in froggy costume plushies. they were absolutely adorable, i couldn't pass them up.

i waited in the check out line, the total of everything enden up being about 388,451 won ( about 314 usd rounded up ).

it was about 6pm when i finished at check out, i didn't expect to take that long but i did take my time so i wasn't upset at all.

i thought walking halfway and then getting a taxi would save some money and get good exercise for me so that's what i decided to do. not even four blocks from the kakao store i get a call, i wasn't sure who it was from but it was a korean number. i contemplated not answering but felt as if i should, so i answered not knowing what to expect.

" hello " i said with a warm friendly voice.

" hello, is this saito kokomi ? " the voice on the other end says eagerly, but very professionally. their voice was very smooth and calm, almost as if they were a sales spokesperson.

" this is she, how can i help you "

" ms.saito, i am lee chae-won from belift headquarters. we've received your application and you're a great fit for the job. "

i audibly gasped, but quickly regained composure trying to keep it professional.

" we would like to schedule an in person interview with you for tomorrow at 3pm, are you available then or shall we reschedule "

" i am available at 3pm tomorrow, no need to reschedule "

" perfect alright, i'll send you the location and order a car to pick you up tomorrow. please message me your address, i'll be looking forward to seeing you tomorrow ms.saito"

affair Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon