Chapter one

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     Disclaimer: This story is mine, but the characters are not. Still enjoy tho!

       "Ever since you opened your scroll, you've been extremely quiet. Why?"  Edaline, Sophie's adoptive mother questioned her. Sophie blushed. "I'll leave you to it, kiddo. Although we are your parents, we respect your privacy, and there will always will be some topics that you are uncomfortable to discuss with us." Grady, her adoptive father, added. "Right Edaline?" 

      "Right. We'll always be here." She reached out to Grady. Sophie heaved a sigh. "I guess we could talk about this... but maybe somewhere else?" She stole a glance at Sandor. They then proceeded to her room to discuss the topic that she had been so sensitive about for the past few weeks. She pulled out her matchmaking scroll from her desk drawer. Her face turned red. Number one : Fitz Vacker. "Awww Sophie! You've had a major crush on Fitz so... why not embrace the moment and take this chance to date him?" Grady's eyes widened. "Fitz vacker? Woah at least it wasn't That Boy..." 

"Keefe's just a friend, dad." She countered. The next day at Foxfire, she would have to face the unimaginable. Confessing her stupid little crush was bad enough, let alone telling him that he was number one on her list. "What could get worse..." she thought as she walked through the halls of Foxfire, and coincidentally bumping into Fitz. "I...I'm so sorry! Oh. It's you, huh." Sophie looked at the ground. "Hey... what's wrong?" You can tell me anything, I'm always here for you. He reached out telepathically. I...I have something to tell you. are the number one on my matchmaking list. His gaze burned holes into her beautiful face, and she felt it turn ultra hot, being sure that she was probably as red as a tomato by then. Heh... Fitz replied. I guessed it. You were the number one on my list to... I guess we'll be official now! Yay! Sophie felt anything but excited. Sure, she was very happy, but what if it got spread? What if... her train of thoughts were shattered when the crisp accent once again returned to her head. Hey... don't fret over it, Sophie. We'll be the world's greatest couple! It sounded a little like a tease, and at the same time it sounded honest. "O...okay." She managed to stutter. Shall we meet after school at my place? I'll let Biana know. Sophie nodded. 

                  After school, Sophie used the leapmaster to light leap back to the green pastures in Havenfield, to tell Grady and Edaline that she would be going to Fitz's house to discuss something. "Okay! Have fun sweetheart!" She wanted as much to wimp out, but before she changed her mind, she ran into the leapmaster and light leaped to Everglen, where Fitz and Biana were staying. As usual, the shimmering gates of Everglen greeted her as if it was saying hello. "Hey Sophie!" A familiar voice called out to her. It was Biana. "I heard there was some drama going on with you and my brother. Care to fill me up later?" Sophie blushed, and she was sure that her cheeks were redder than tomatoes. She took the time to dress up before going over, so that Fitz wouldn't get a bad impression about dating in the future. Hey. Sophie transmitted when she saw Fitz in his room, with his sparkly red dragon, Mr. Snuggles. "Hi Sophie!" He chirped when she approached, and gestured for Biana to leave. She left without a word, surprisingly, but Sophie still preferred to be extra careful in case she snuck back in using her vanishing ability. So... He decided to engage in the conversation first. Do you plan on making a move soon? We should go on a date to make sure we are alright for each other, then we'll make it official. Sounds good? 

Yes. When should we  meet up? And where? Sophie reluctantly asked back, hoping to confirm the date so she would know when to prepare. How about we discuss it now? I would like to know where you would go on a first date! He suggested to her, making sure that he took care of Sophie's opinion and not be so insensitive about dating her. How about Atlantis? I heard that there is this fancy restaurant there where we can have fun and yet have a romantic dinner! Fitz took this into consideration. I guess we could go and try.... Now all that was left was the time and date. What about the date and time? Fitz, when are you free? She asked him. Anytime. I'll try to let you know soon. They then said their goodbyes and Sophie went home to eat and do her homework. "How did it go?" Edaline questioned as soon as she walked through the gate. "It was fine..." 

"I think there is more to that, Sophie." Grady folded his arms. "H..he asked me out on a date." Both the parents gasped, but the gasps were different. Grady walked over to her and asked loudly, "WHAT? HE ASKED YOU OUT ON A DATE? THATS TOO QUICK, DON'T YOU THINK?" While Edaline just smiled and said, "Go! I think that you would make a good couple.. And you guys have been liking each other for years, right? I don't think it's too soon to make a move. I'm rooting for you!" 

"Gra-" "Eda-" They said at the same time. Sophie sighed. Today was going to be a long, long night. Sophie dashed up to her room, and buried her face in her stuffed animal, Ella. Surprisingly, she managed to fall asleep before Edaline or Grady could walk in and lecture her. 

The next day, she bumped into Fitz once again, and this time he confirmed the date and time for their first date. "How about tomorrow?" Sophie was a bit taken aback at first, but she decided that it wasn't such a  bad idea to go tomorrow. She had better went for a haircut, buy a new dress, some shoes and ask Edaline to tame her hair for tomorrow. She went home straight after school, and Edaline trimmed and tamed her hair for her. Afterwards they went shopping in Atlantis, to get her a dress, which to her appeal, the shop sold a nice white dress, not to frilly, just right for her, and they had a pair of cream pink shoes that would fit her dress perfectly. So they got just that! 

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