Chapter 6

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"Why.. Are you guys smiling?" Sophie asked, wondering why and how the house was decorated so nicely. "What's going on?" Grady and Edaline just uttered, "follow us. We have a surprise for you."
     The lights turned off. Everything went dark, and she wondered if she had fallen into the void or fainted. Then a too-familiar voice said, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE! TODAY IS YOUR INCEPTION DATE!" She felt confused, so she projected her voice into the darkness. "F..Fitz? Is that you?" Then a blinding light entered her eyes and Sophie squinted, protecting herself from the blinding light made by.. Wylie? The questions she had were uncountable, so she asked: " Is today really my inception date...?" Then she counted the weeks and realised, oh yeah... it WAS her inception date. She saw sooo many familiar faces, but wondered aloud, " How.. did you guys get here? Didn't I just reach home?" Kefee stepped forward with his signature smirk plastered across his face. "Sophie! Bet you didn't see that coming! So Edaline sneaked us into your room, and well, the others had the same experience." She saw Tam, Linh, Biana, Dex, Wylie, Fitz, and all her other friends, including Stina. "Hi Stina.." Sophie approached her shyly. "Hello Lady Foss-Boss." Then she grinned, being unusual as she always put on her surly face and cutting remarks. "You guys REALLY have to stop calling me that. But thanks." They each handed a present to her, but Biana asked her to unwrap it immediately. Then she saw a familiar face lurking behind biana, smiling brightly. "Oralie?" the figure nodded andstepped into the light. "Hello Sophie. It's been long. Here's your gift, looking as beautiful as you." Sophie blushed, but hugged Oralie. After all, she was her biological mother. They all had so much fun, but in the end, night fell and they parted ways to head back to their individual homes. Only Oralie stayed behind to tell her something. "Sophie-i have something to tell you." she followed her up th stairs and into her room. "I know you love Fitz. Just know that, whoever you choose to be your soul mate, I'll support you all the way till the end of time." although internally Sophie was freaking out, she managed to keep a calm outside and said back: " Be assured that I'll remember your words.." then she saw Oralie tear up and hugged her tightly. "My little girl has grown up.." she said in a choked voice. Sophie nodded and said, "yep! Soon, I'll get married and have kids!" How time flies. And truthfully enough, Sophie was planning to marry Fitz already, even though they only dated for year's. After all, he was the boy that she liked for over 10 years! Not marrying him would be a mistake.
       The night flew by with Silveny transmitting nice and sweet thoughts over to her, and in a twinkle of a star, the Sun rose over her gold hair. White, fluffy clouds dotted the azure sky as she got dressed into her Foxfire uniform. "Morning honey! How was your night? You still haven't opened your presents and Biana has been hailing you all night.."  Right. Sophie totally forgot about the presents and Biana. Oops. "Right!" she called. Immediately she got a box from the stack of presents lying by the table and tore of the wrapping paper. "From Linh?" inside lay a box of prattles and a bracelet made from crystals and had cute letterings on it. They were her initials, S. E. F.
Sophie Elizabeth Foster. She hailed Linh and she found out that she had a matching one to represent friendship.

Fitzphie: Together, forever.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt