Chapter 7

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         Days turned to weeks, the weeks turned to months and soon, Sophie was going to graduate from Foxfire. Fitz and Sophie could finally plan thier wedding without exams or studies disrupting thier perfect day. During the graduation ceremony, Fitz went up to her and whispered softly, "Sophie. Glad you graduated! We can finally plan our wedding now right?" She gave a very subtle nod, so no one would notice her talking to her boyfriend-espcially Keefe. She had been wearing the moon lark pendant everyday, but especially today, they shared thier second kiss. Fitz brought her to her room after the ceremony, and they had a loving kiss and snuggle together on her bed, and Sophie made sure that she had locked the door to prevent Sandor from snooping into her relationship. They lay side by side, and Fitz said lovingly, "Foster.. I love you so much, I can't explain it. I really can't wait for out wedding day!" Hearing the affection in his crisp accent, she said back, with the same loving tone " It won't be long." having being assured by Sophie was just what he needed to hear, and he planted another quick kiss on her forehead, earning a humongous blush erupting on Sophie's pretty face. " I love you." Fitz whispered again before he unlocked the door and left.
      Immediately after that, she flopped around in her bed, squealing and thinking about Fitz. Her forehead became sweaty by the time she was done reliving her romantic moment.
Sophie pulled a simple grey tunic and leggings out of her closet and casually slipped on a pair of boots, then headed off to Fitz's house to discuss: their wedding. " knock knock knock.." she rapped on her door with a loving countenance. "Oh- Sophie! It's you." Fitz answered the door. She nodded and went in, being amazed for the 100th time of how big Everglen was compared to Havenfield. "Come into my room, okay?" He said in a playful way, making her smile. "You're really like the sun, Fitz." She said as they walked up the stairs leading to his bedroom. "You always brighten up my day." She finished. She flopped down on the floor and Fitz threw her his stuffed toy dragon Mr. Snuggles, and Sophie dived to catch it. She dusted him and handed it to Fitz, who was lying belly flat on the floor with an open notebook. "Let's plan." He suggested when she stared up into his ceiling, looking as if she was bored. Fitz asked her a couple of questions, like: "What theme colors do you want our wedding to be?" Of course, she answered, "Teal", then he said, "White." Maybe teal and white were good colour matches after all. "Who do you want for bridesmaids?"
"Biana, Linh, Marella, maybe Stina? Well, they'll decide their dresses based on the colours we picked, and we'll choose ours. How's that sound?" He nodded and added cheekily, "of course it sounds perfect, Lady Foss-Boss!" She REALLY felt like flicking him on the forehead for calling her that. It was a nickname given by the members of Team Valiant, and it had stuck with her whenever she bossed people around. "I— wasn't bossing you!" Sophie insisted, reaching for his forehead, but instead of giving him a heavy flick, she gave him a gentle tap on the forehead and pushed him onto his back instead of his belly. "Wha—t are you *uhh* doing!" He squealed when she started tickling him around his belly, putting him into a fit of giggles. "Sophie *pant* please *giggles* stop!" When she finally stopped, he lay flat on the floor, panting from all that laughing. "You little— Sophie!" He said when he finished resting, and pounced on her, tickling her everywhere, making her laugh harder than he ever seen her. "What the heck?" Someone asked when they saw them in that PARTICULAR position. "Kyah! It's not what you think! I swear! Bianaaaaaaaa!" She called over when a PARTICULARLY cheeky smile erupted on Biana's face. "We were just planning on our wedding, sis. Please. Don't get involved. It's the least you can do." Fitz countered her smile, earning a scowl from his little sister, but she brightened up all over again when Sophie told her that she was going to become the bridesmaid for their wedding. Biana left and they were finally alone again. "Ugh. She's really annoying when it comes to romantic relationships. I can't believe you guys are going to be sisters after this, you get it? Anyways, I want Keefe, Tam, Dex and.. I don't know, Wylie?" Nodding at Fitz looong speech, she leaned over and jotted them down in his notebook. Sophie transmitted over again to him. Love you, Fitz. Can't wait for our wedding day." Then she turned and left for Havenfield.
         The green pastures of Havenfield were not empty, but Grady and Edaline were standing there smiling at her. "Uh... what's up? Oh no. Did Biana tell you anything?" They gave a haughty laugh and nodded. "Yes, kiddo. She told us everything. Or, should I call you Miss-totally-not-in-a-relationship-with-Fitz?" Sophie blushed for the 5th time that evening, and stuttered nervously, ", I wasn't kissing him- whatever you call that! I was tickling him!! Kyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She was TOTALLY flustered but as the girl she was, she always tried to hide it. But she would not be able to for long now, since she and Fitz were getting married. It was official now, they couldn't have breakups over minor infractions like before. They had to be a totally loving couple that would sacrifice their own life for the other. On past experience, she had so many times where they had broken up, and got back together. Grady clicked his tongue at her. "Now now, that won't do, will it?" He then led her to her room. "Go relive your moments, Sophie. I'll see you when you're done." He sounded so stern, but Sophie swore that she saw a slight twinkle in his eye, just a little one, but she knew immediately that she won't be getting into trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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