Chapter 5

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        Sophie awoke early, before the sun could manage to beat her at getting up in the morning like usual. When she pulled out a plain dress to change after the graduation, Vertina, her spectral mirror, shrieked at her and made her yelp. "Sophie Elizabeth Foster!!" She screamed. "Go to your wardrobe, take that pretty black dress with the mesh sleeves and glitter, pack it in! Not that plain dress!" She had no choice but to oblige, because she had no other choice than to take that, or else Vertina would be screaming at her the whole day. "I'll teach you something!" She taught her how to do a classy side-plait, and it made her look more dignified than her usual loose ponytail or let down hair. "Thanks Vertina, I'll get going now!" She called and quickly slipped out of the room, to prevent anymore screeching from her mirror. Who even made them? But they sure are useful when it comes to fashion, although they can be harsh at times.
        "Hi Sophie! I've been waiting forever!"
"Sorry.. As usual, Vertina was fussing over my sense of fashion.." Sophie grumbled as she fussed with her costume. "No wonder your hair looks different. Not saying it's not nice, just different from your usual." Biana commented on her new hairstyle. "All level 7's , please head onto the stage for your performance." Mr Forkle, AKA Sir Astin AKA Magnate Leo, announced when the level 6's finished their performance. Sophie and her group headed onto the stage to perform. Luckily, she was placed at the back to attract less attention, and she had a wider leeway for her mistakes because no one would notice. That was very convenient for her, because she was quite clumsy and would fall easily. They finished their embarrassing dance, and the crowd applauded, and some gave shouts of encouragement. "Kiddo, you did great!" Grady said when she went to change for the ceremony. "Thanks.." she mumbled while fumbling with the zip on her costume, and Biana went over to help her unzip it, and she changed into the black dress that Vertina picked out that morning. "Sophie, you look great! Was this another of Vertina's choices? It looks great on you though, really!" She smiled back at her, and proceeded to put the necklace that Fitz gave her around her neck. When she finished touching up her light makeup, Biana gasped. "That necklace... where did you get it? It's so pretty and— IS THAT A MOONLARK?" Sophie gave a haughty laugh and nodded. "Yes, Biana, this necklace was given by your brother too!"
"FITZ? WHERE DID HE GET THE MONEY FROM?" She exclaimed. Then she explained everything, from the start to the end of the night date, to her. Then Biana understood where he got it and why he got it. "I'm buying something for him today too. What do you think he would definitely like?" Sophie asked, since she was his sister after all. She put in some deep thought into it. "He has been wanting a watch for some time.. maybe you could buy a watch with his initials engraved onto it? I think he would treasure it!" She nodded. "I'll be sure to tell Grady later when we go shopping. Oh, that's right! Would you like to tag along?" Biana eagerly nodded. After all, she was the best at shopping and things of such.
     When they got back to the hall, the procedure had already started, but they were not very late and still managed to receive their certificates and leave. After a good lunch with the Vackers, Diznees, Linh and Tam, they headed off to Atlantis. In the end, Linh insisted on tagging along, so there was a total of Grady, Edaline, her, Biana, Della, Linh and Tam. It was a large group, but nobody minded since it was the last day of Foxfire and they were all buying gifts for each other. Sophie decided against buying gifts since she already had so many in her thinking cap, but of course, her friends insisted on the gift exchange. Sophie wanted to get a cute blue dress for Linh, watches for Tam and Fitz, a pair of earrings for Biana and some special elixirs for Dex. After a looong shopping trip, they re-grouped back at where they started. Biana had gotten a pair of earrings for Sophie too! What a strange coincidence.. Linh had gotten her a tunic, which was very minimalistic and suited Sophie's style of dressing.  Tam got a notebook for Sophie to write down the plans she had for the multiple assignments that she had. She gave each person thier corresponding gifts, and to her delight, they all liked the gift she got them! Soon, the day ended and she had to face her fears. Giving the watch to Fitz. Even just thinking about him made her heart flutter and made her want to back out, but remembering how he has the courage to give her the moon lark necklace, she could not bear to not give him the watch. After all, she had already bought it!
   As soon as she reached his house, Sophie's hand quickly pressed the doorbell to prevent her from being able to chicken out. "Yes? Oh, it's you Sophie! Come in, come in!" Alden greeted her at the door. "I won't be too long." She promised after entering Everglen. "Fitz! Sophie's here to see you!" Biana called upstairs to his room. She heard hurried footsteps, and soon she saw the familiar dark haired and teal eyed boy walking down the stairs. "Hi Sophie! How has it been? You just graduated yesterday right? I'm happy for you!" She nodded and leaned forward, whispering in his ear. "I have...a little something for you to thank you for the Moonlark necklace." Handing the watch to Fitz, he opened it and smiled. "Thanks Sophie. You didn't have to, though." She then took her leave and headed back to Havenfield, to a smiling Grady and Edaline.

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