Chapter 3

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           It was Sophie's last day at foxfire the following week, and she was very nervous about her performance for the graduation ceremony. Her hands itched, trying to tug out a loose lash, but she supressed the urge and tried her best not to, but in the end she gave on to the urge and tugged out and itchy eye lash. "Ah ha! Sophie! Back to your nervous habits again, I see?" Keefe exclaimed as he walked past Sophie's locker, making her jump. His signature smirk spread across his face, and he wondered aloud, "I wonder what's going on between you and wonder boy, eh, Mysterious miss F?" Sophie could usually dodge his comments, but this was new. Teasing about her and Fitz's relationship. "Biana must have told her. How ELSE would he know?!" a thousand possible reasons flooded her mind, and Keefe took of her gloves and held it, while sending one of his blue, light mental breezes. That made her feel less worried. "Don't worry, my friend! I won't tell anyone. Let's have a b-"

"No bets. I know many of your bets gave failed, and if you succeed, you're going to make me do something dumb, like kiss Fitz or something." Keefe smirked again. "That sound like not a bad idea!" Sophie signed. There was no getting out of this mess that Keefe made, so she just decided to do a bet. "If you tell someone..."
"Then I'll not tease you and Fitz for like.. maybe until you get married! But if I don't tell anyone? For your wedding, I dare you to pick a teal dress or a dress that has teal on it, and tell him why you like teal. Deal?" Sophie gave a hurried nod and made a swift escape. She was sure that he won't tell anyone just for that bet. Sophie berated herself again and again. How could she be as stupid to agree to his infamous bets? The obvious answer was: VERY. But since she already did it, it was better to forget that keep worrying about it and end up messing up their relationship. The first class was Astronomy, one of her best subjects as she had memorized all the star maps, including the unmapped stars, thanks to the Black Swan's modifying her genetics and her photographic memory. "Good morning class!" Sir Astin greeted them. Sophie knew that he was actually Mr. Forkle, her nosy neighbor but also the one that 'created' her.
       Finally the day was over. She reached her mind out and transmitted to Fitz. Hey. When do you want to go on our second date? I'll be looking forward to it! Grady also allowed to date and even maybe MARRY you if we succeed!
Sophie? Marry? What??? Fitz was confused. Actually confused was an understatement! He was mind boggled! What on earth was she talking about??
Sorry! I forgot to give you context.. she panicked and quickly transmitted to him to prevent further misunderstandings. Remember our relationship? Grady agreed to let me date you! And he approved of any of our plans in the future! Isn't that great?? Now the misunderstanding was cleared, Sophie felt a little lighter and could now focus her ideas properly and not blurt out any unimportant things that she did not want to let him know about. Wow! That's great! Maybe we should go on a date tomorrow afternoon or night! Which do you prefer? Again, he took her feelings into consideration. Night'll be more romantic.. hehe. She smiled and blushed, happy that he could not see her right now and would not know that she was blushing. Tomorrow night. 6 to 9 pm, Everglen.
Okay! See you there, bye!
            Sophie was very excited, she could explode. "Mom!" She burst out as soon as she opened the front door of Havenfield. "Yes, Sophie? How was school?" Edaline called back, clearly having something more important to do, like maybe bathing Verdi or cleaning the animals in the pastures, so she decided to walk to Silveny, Wynn and Luna. Hi Mama alicorn! How's your stay here so far?
FRIEND! SOPHIE! GREAT! FLY?? Sophie had no other thing to do since Grady and Edaline were busy, so she happily obliged to Silveny's request. They launched up to the twilight sky, and she could see all the mixtures of red, orange and yellow, making the perfect complexion of a sunset. How pretty it was.. In a blink of an eye, the evening had soon turned to night. The bright stars twinkled in the night sky,and it made Sophie wonder: "what is it like, to see something from someone else's point of view? Just then she remembered to tell her parents about the date the following night. "Sure, kiddo! Embrace him, just.. don't do anything funny." She nodded. "Sophie that's great! Go for as many dates as you wish, until you guys decide when will your marriage be held." Again she nodded.
           The following night:  Sophie pulled on a light blue, long-sleeved dress, a pair of ankle boots and brushed her hair carefully, to avoid messing up her hair further. That usually happened when she tugged too roughly on her hair. Putting a small flower clip to pin down the flyaway hair she had, she was ready to go. Stepping into the Leapmaster, she shouted, "Everglen!" And it brought her straight there. Fitz was already waiting for her there, and Sophie shyly greeted him, still not used to going out with him privately.

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