War day 2- Part 4

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I got up about 15 minutes later and looked around the base. I found a working clock in one room that was unsynced with the actual time, and I decided to fix it. I realized how early it was, being about 4:30 in the afternoon.

I decided to spend this time wisely and visited the Heros base, which was the only concrete building in the town, so it was very easy to find.

I made sure to change clothes before I left, the Heros don't need to know I'm V yet. I saw Mineta standing on his balls that he'd stuck to the building. I almost burst out laughing at the sight, but I held it in and mentioned for him to come down. "What were you doing up there?" I inquired. "

"Just bored and kinda curious as to what the Hero team is up to" he said once he got to me. "I haven't seen you much today, what's up Mido?"

"Hm, well, I've been around... I'm sure you're wrong about not seeing me, I've definitely been around the town" I said, a slight smile on my face. Suspicion grew on his face, and he asked me honestly, "are you a Villain?" in the quietest voice he could muster.

I giggled at his reaction and silently signed 'I am V', laughing harder at his confusion and suspicion turn to fear. He looked nearly ready to run, but I grabbed his shoulder, shook my head, and dragged him into the forest. After we were far enough into the forest for us to not be heard, I began to speak with him.

"Minoru, you know I can't just let you go after you've learned that. Don't worry, I won't kill you" He shuddered at the word kill, otherwise silent. "But... I will need a... favor from you" I grinned madly, a cruel glint in my eyes. Getting close to his face, I whispered "I need you to kill for me~" His face turned from fear to absolute terror, and he ended up fainting.

I took him to the base, and placed him in the prisoner room. I left a knife on the table, taped down and with an offer written beside it.

I left the base, making sure to lock the door to the prisoner ward, and went back to the Heros' base.

There I saw Iida standing with Momo and Kendo, aka the girl I accidentally traumatized. Nearby I saw Kacchan and Mirio Togata nearby, seemingly standing guard.

I walked towards them from the path and greeted them. Apparently they were very focused on their conversation, as they jumped half a mile when I spoke.

"Ah, Izuku, sorry for not noticing you, uh... W-what are you doing here? Er, rather, do you need something?" Momo asked, still shaken by my seemingly sudden appearance.

"I was just curious about how the Headquarters looks, it's the only building here not made of wood, and it's pretty big too" I replied, motioning to the building itself.

"I could give you a tour" Kendo said, clearly wanting an excuse to leave the conversation. I said that would be fine, and we went inside with suprisingly no questioning of whether or not I was on the villain team.

It wasn't very long before I learned exactly why none of the Heros were concerned. Through snippets of conversation, I realized that they were under the assumption that we weren't allowed to act as anything but our team.

I almost laughed out loud at the assumption, but was able to stay composed.

"Where are Kirishima and Ashido? I heard about what happened earlier. Did they die by the rules of the game?" I quickly realized my questions could overwhelm her, so I shut my mouth. "They're in the infirmary... Yeah, they.. died." She responded after a few minutes of silence. "We, uh... didn't know what to do with them"

We ended up outside the infirmary during our tour. We walked inside after a moment of silent agreement, and saw at the end of the room two beds mostly covered in sheets. Walking to the two beds, I pulled the covers down and saw the faces of the people I'd killed. It was a disturbing sight to see, and I only barely held my emotions in check, something that Kendo most certainly noticed, but likely chalked up to Izuku seeing the bodies of his classmates.

"I know where you're supposed to bring the people who are... um, o-out" I said to Kendo.

"Please show me, it's really disturbing for them to be like this" she replied, desperate.

I took her and the dead to the checkpoint, where I noticed the sign read

151 Civilians
20 Heros
10 Villains

Meaning five civilians had died. Two I knew of, but the other three deaths confused me, before I remembered the meeting earlier. We handed the dead over to the teachers at the checkpoint and watched as the DCB were removed and they woke up.

I started to walk back, and Kendo rushed after me, but was stopped at the sight of someone watching us. Rather, it was two people watching us, Eretan and Spell-bound, who stood in the clearing opposite us, whispering amongst themselves. I took note of Spell-bound touching Eretan's shoulder and pointedly looking at me and Kendo.

Oh boy...

890 words this time, sorry it took so long for an update. Tbh, I don't have an excuse, I just didn't write for a while. Heck, I didn't go on Wattpad itself for about two weeks, so... Yeah. No promises on when the next update will be, but I'll do my best

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