Chapter 8

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I was finally done with cleaning the kitchen, i swear to god i should've made Tommy do it.

,, Y/n? " I heard XD call out to me.

,, What do you want? " I shouted, cleaning the last drops of cream off the counter.

XD walked inside the kitchen with a small parrot on his shoulder.

,, Look who i found! Isn't he so cute? " XD exclaimed while gently petting the white parrot who looked like he was heaven.

,, Where did you find him? " I asked as i walked over to him, observing the little cutie.

,, He was laying in the snow all alone, i couldn't leave him there! " XD exclaimed dramaticaly, the parrot started flying around his head.

,, Really? " I said, furrowing my brows while examinating the parrot.

He didn't look like he was there for too long, maybe like a few minutes...

Which means that maybe someone set him there as a trap.

Or maybe im just overthinking it.

,, Hm... Could you please show me where you found him? " I asked while giving him an innocent smile.

,, Of course! But get some coat or something! It's really cold outside! " XD said excitedly before running outside like a little kid.

,, Yeah, don't worry. " I whispered before running towards my room to get some warm clothes before running outside.

Immediately after i stepped outside XD grabbed my hand and started dragging me somewhere through the woods.

After a few minutes we arrived at the place, there wasn't anything special other than a few trees and a few bushes covered in white.

,, This is where i found him! " XD said pointing at a big pile of snow, which looked really suspicious.

,, Hm... " I hummed, furrowing my brows, i felt like something important happened here.

,, Well... I see... I suppose you can go now. " I sighed, patting XD's shoulder.

XD nodded and ran off in the direction of our house while i watchen when he was out of sight.

After I made sure he was gone i turned around and looked straight at the trees and bushes infront of me.

,, Come out, i hope you didnt think i was this fucking dumb. " I said coldy, hearing a chuckle come from behind a tree.

,, Of course, even tho i don't know much about you, i was sure you'd find this suspicious. After all, you're the one who won against Dream, right? " A man with goat horns came out of the shadows, wearing a black suit which was wet from the snow.

,, You seem awfully familiar... " I muttered quietly, to which the man only laughed.

,, Awww, so you don't remember me? We met a long time ago, but it was still quite the meeting... " The man said teasingly, now it all clicked.


,, Schlatt, right? " I sighed, gently rubbing my face to keep myself awake.

Cleaning the kitchen really tired me out huh?

,, So you do remember, im glad. But now, I need a favor from you. " Schlatt said dramaticaly, his face darkening.

,, So what was the bird for? To just get me out in the open without any protection? " I laughed out, giving him a tired glare.

,, Get your shit together Schlatt, you're an adult aren't you. " I growled before turning around to head back, but Schlatt's voice stopped me.

,, It's a deal that could save many lives Y/n. And... Wouldn't you like to know how you lost control that certain day? The day you almost killed Dream and his little pathetic friends? " Schlatt said, a smirk formed on his face.

,, How the FUCK do you know about that?! " I yelled out, grabbing a small knife from my boot before jumping towards Schlatt, pushing him down onto the ground and pushing the knife towards his throat.

Yet Schlatt didn't seem phased at all, his smirk just grew wider.

,, Why so sensitive? It's normal for the child of the egg to be powerful. " Schlatt laughed out, leaving me frozen in place.


What egg? What the fuck?

,, W-what? " I choked out, worry filling my body.

,, Oh, you didn't know? I guess you should talk to Bad then. "

,, Hi you cute little muffin! "

I didn't even have time to look up before darkness surrounded my vision.


What the fuck just happened?

Protect Tommy | Dream SMP x Reader | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now