Chapter 5

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"Pass me my bag," suna points at a black bag that was across the classroom. His long boney finger pointing at the direction for Atsumu to go. As his other hand dug in his pocket.

It was currently the next day and they where in a poorly lit classroom that had no one in it. They would come here often just to chill or when one of them needed to talk about something. Today Atsumu asked Suna to come here .

He walked towards the bag and picked it up feeling how light it was. He wasn't really surprised knowing his friend would never actually carry school supplies in there.

Atsumu threw the bag at the dark haired boy who caught it with one hand with a smirk on his face. He quickly unzipped it to pull out a tin of mints. It was red and had big letters in the front making it look like he actually cared about how his breath smelled. Soon Suna popped it open to reveal weed inside of it. The blonde was soon hit with the strong smell and made his way back to his friend sitting right next to him.

Atsumu chuckled seeing that his friend always had some type of drugs on him. From pills to crack to food. He watched as Suna rolled it up with a piece of brown paper he didn't know of. Though the grayish-yellow eyed boys hand where shaking. He didn't know weather that was how he was or the drugs he had been taking. Whatever it was Atsumu wasn't trying to be like him.

When he finished he brought the blunt up to his lips inhaled it throwing his head back as he held it in. He slowly turned around to look Atsumu in the eyes.

"Give up" he said breaking the silence as he blew a cloud of smoke into Atsumu's face. The blonde coughed fanning the smoke away from him.

"Yer kidding right? Do you know how long Iv been trying to get with him? It probably was a simple misunderstanding okay? It happens." Atsumu gives him an annoyed look wanting his friend to give him good advice rather than this. He didn't call him here just to get called out.

"Tsk, Miya are you fucking stupid? Do you know what shit he is spouting right now? Your rumored to be a molester.  Stop playing dumb and accept the truth. You know Hinata only has his eyes for Tobio." Suna hisses tired of seeing his friend sulk over a guy who he had no chance to being with. Hinata played him like a fool and now he had to deal with the consequences of being stupid.

Atsumu balled his hands into fist holding the urge to punch his friend. He didn't want to accept it. It couldn't be possible. Why would Hinata do such a thing? If he didn't care about him why did he show interest? What did he sit with him?

"I'm leaving." Atsumu stands up as he grabbed his bag.

"Don't be like that. Sit your ass down and listen to what I gotta say to you. I don't care if you don't like it, the truth hurts." Suna says taking another hit from the blunt. The blonde boy didn't listen, he made his way to the door until he turned around and was slammed against it. His back aches in pain from last nights fight. "Open your fucking eyes Miya, he never loved you not even as a friend. He doesn't care about anyone anymore so just forget about him," he whispered in a low voice before letting him go.

Atsumu rolled his eyes walking out tears in his eyes. He slammed the door closed behind him as he left. Why did he even bother talking to a druggie? He probably was saying random shit that didn't even matter. He was a utter fool to even think about talking to Suna about his problems.

He walked down the hall seeing people walking around. He could feel everyone's eyes on him. People whispering in the halls. How they avoided eye contact with him. Where he walked was cleared by people not wanting to be near him. His image was ruined.

He made his way down the halls feeling sick. What could it be? Was it because he was drinking all night? Or maybe it was the Hinata situation. Could it be that it had finally gotten to him? Being called a disgusting molester. Being seen as a monster even thought it was a misunderstanding. Hinata will tell them the truth right? Whatever it was he decided to brush it off and walk his way to the lockers. He spun the padlock to the exact numbers. Twisting it quickly due to muscle memory. While he did he could hear two very loud people talking.

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