Chapter 2

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Atsumu sat up awaking from his sleep. He scanned the area to see that where he was, which seemed familiar. Plain white walls, blacked out curtains, a safe in a corner and drugs scattered everywhere. Sunas.

He rubbed his face feeling his pounding headache over take him. He loved drinking but wasnt sure if the hangovers where worth it sometimes.

Getting up he walked to the restroom grabbing his toothbrush.
Atsumu's would stay over most of the time due to Suna not having any family. It gave the boy company and supervision in case he overdose. Sunas parents had passed from a accident and his other family didn't acknowledge him. Giving him nobody to ask for help. That's why Atsumu would come at least 3 times a week. Not to mention the fact that Atsumu's house felt alone. Eventually Suna had gotten him a toothbrush and his own clothes. Since he stayed over so much.

Now that he thought about it he slept in Sunas room that meant his friend had slept on the couch. The least he could do was make breakfast.

"What you cooking?" Suna asks his friend.
" Mornin, Just some eggs and bacon with toast on the side. Sit down I'm about to serve." Atsumu tilts his head indicating him to take a seat.

Suna watched as Atsumu served him his breakfast with a cup of juice. He couldn't lie he found his friend annoying at times but if he was served like this he didn't think it was that bad.

"I see you haven't overdosed yet." Atsumu says taking a seat with his plate.

"Just because I'm a drug dealer doesn't mean I'm stupid." Suna takes a bite from his bacon.
Atsumu chuckles as he continued to eat.

Suna then got up and walked to the counter to grab a pill bottle. Walking back he placed it In front of Atsumu.

Advil the blonde reads.

Atsumu looks up at him and gave him a small nod as a thank you. They would sometimes hang out and not make a sound. It wasn't awkward more like peaceful.

"Yo, where's Akaashi?" Suna said. Thinking about it he was supposedly on his way last night. He never ended up showing up. You would think his friends would be concerned but instead they looked at each other.

"Passed out" they said in union.

Akaashi opened his eyes as the sun rays hit his face. He slowly brought his hands to face in disappointment. He has fainted yet again when he promised he was going to go to Sunas. It was alright though since everyone knew his situation. Akaashi had insomnia from stressing about everything. Trying to keep his perfect son image up, his perfect grades, and not wanting to disappoint his mother. Not wanting to associate himself with his father... trying to cover up everything about him actually.

"I guess it's time I get up." Akaashi said sitting up to be met with two boys staring at him. His eyes widen recognizing them. It was Kuroo and Bokuto.

"I'm sorry how did I get here?" He asks looking at both of them panicked.

"Ah I'll answer! After talking, you began walking away and a few second later we saw you struggling. You ended up passing out and well we just took you so nothing bad would happen." Bokuto said handing the green eyed boy a water bottle.

Why did they not take him to the hospital instead? Like any other person would. Then again they lived in Ellenor. A very poor area where someone would most likely not be able to afford a hospital bill.

Akaashi opens his bottle and takes a sip. Not knowing what to say next without making things uncomfortable. Hes never really been in a situation like this. He would mostly pass out in his house or around his friends. Which was a safe spot for him. He didn't have to worry about being kidnapped. Now that he thought about it was this considered kidnapping?

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