Chapter 3

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"Eyo, heard there is a party at Aran's" a guy from the football team yells. That was todays gossip around the school. A party being held at one of the most loved players house. Apparently his parents had gone out for a business trip for the week meaning he had all the freedom a teen could ever want.

Atsumu leans back in his chair pleased from what he had just heard. Aran was a man who held the best parties in the school and he was definitely not going to miss out.

"Yer coming to the party?" Atsumu says turning his attention to Akaashi who was busy writing notes. He could see his focused face as he scribbled what was on the board onto his notebook. "I know you can hear me Kaashi" Atsumu said annoyed as he sat up correctly into his seat.

Akaashi gave his a side eye as he brought his hand to his chin. "Please Atsumu you know I can't do that when I'm trying to keep up with my work. Why don't you actually try doing your anatomy work instead of partying. " The boy said going back to what he was originally doing.

"Please I can't go alone!" The blond protest. Not like he was going to be alone entirely. Suna also went to the party's to do business or to pick up girls. But Atsumu needed someone he could rely on to look out for him. Last time Suna left him blacked out in a strangers bathtub. It was the awkwardest day of his life trying to get out of the house.

"What if I get hurt? In trouble? Or even worst molested." Atsumu pouts as he laid his face onto the desk making sure his friend could see him. Still his friend did not budge. He was dead set on not attending. Party's weren't Akaashi's thing and Atsumu knew that as well. He didn't like the idea of sweat or drunk people around him. At least that's what he told people.

"It will make you look great! A boy with the best grades and socializes with his fellow peers." Atsumu said knowing how to get him to come. "You'll be recognized greatly that you'll earn scholarships for being the best." Atsumu said making up whatever sounded like a nerds dream.

He watched his friend contemplate what he had just said. Akaashi did anything to look good. He had this weird thing where he lived to make his image look great. Maybe he just cared what people thought about him. Or he had something dark he was hiding form everyone.

The boy fiddled with his fingers for a bit before exhaling heavily giving in.

"Fine, but you better not make me regret this."


"Atsumu did ya bring the alcohol?" Aran yells as the blond enters the house.

"Ya bet, I even brought Suna if you guys want to get really fucked up." Atsumu spreads his arms out greeting his friend.

Suna waved greeting them from afar as he sat down with his black bag next to him. The party had already gotten started. It wasn't too crowded yet. People were already drinking and dancing. Chatting with old friends and starting beef. Loud music played in the background making people get hyped.

Akaashi sat next to Suna due to the fact that this was his first party. He didn't know how to act or look without being seen as a loser. He could feel peoples eyes on him making him feel more anxious. He laid back for a bit watching Atsumu disappear in the crowed. He felt out of place being in a party like this. The music played loudly and people where yelling. Some people bumping into him on accident. This was definitely not a place for him. He should of been home studying. Actually doing something productive. Not babysitting his friend who can't control their alcohol. It was too late now, he was already here he might as well make it worth coming.

Standing up he went to pour himself a drink in a red cup. He wasn't much of a drinker but he couldn't just sit down and be bored the whole time. It might help him loosen up a bit.
At least he hoped.

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