Thursday, January 10

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( This idea was inspired by bubbles66222, sorry if I spelt it wrong. Anyway thanks for the idea )

Today, I saw Brandon at his locker as usual. Then he called me over to talk to him. He invited me to a sleepover with Chloe, Zoey, Theo, Marcus and Aishah that was tomorrow. I just wanted to say I was busy but I decided to give Aishah another chance. So I said "Um, OK." "Thanks you're the best." He replied, giving me a crooked smile.

I returned to my locker to find something I thought I would never see before.
MacKenzie was actually being friendly. She apologized and asked to be friends. I agreed. Then she hugged me and gave me a gift. I opened this and saw a designer Gucci bag. "Thanks so much, MacKenzie!" "It was nothing." she replied.

I was walking to French class when something caught my eye. Aishah was staring at me with her beady eyes. "You aren't seriously thinking about going to Brandon's sleepover, are you?" she asked. "Yes, I am because I got invited, Miss BossyPants." I passed her and went to French Class. That girl is a SCHIZOID.

( To be continued )

( I haven't been mentioning Chloe and Zoey a lot because they haven't come to my mind lately, but I will try to mention them. The story is centered on Brandon, Aishah and, of course, Nikki. )

P.S Brandon found out Aishah was lying but forgave her and apologized to Nikki. She forgave him.

Dork Diaries : A Dorky Twist #Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now