Tuesday 22nd January

316 10 12

( I added the song because it is an amazing song by my fav singer, Ariana Grande. It's so emotional and so touching. You guys should check her out.)

Today as I got to school, Aishah's locker had all kinds of blinding lights.

Nikki: Aishah why are there glittery lights on your locker? They are way too bright and they're blinding my eyes.

Aishah: Well Nikki, I'm glad you asked. It's because Brandon asked me on a date, today at the CupCakery, 4pm. So it's celebrating the start of our love.

I fight back my tears as Aishah struts all the way to History. I on the other hand, have Physics then Algebra and Biology tomorrow. I'll ask Brandon in Biology if he's really going out with Aishah.

As I go on, I find Katherine, Zoey and Emily.
Before class I pass a note to Zoey, it says

" Tell Chloe to meet us in the Janitors closet during lunch.
I have something big to share.

Today at lunch, the macaroni looked like seaweed, the cheese looked like something someone threw up, and the chocolate milk was all chunky and looked like poop. Brandon and Aishah sat at the CCP. Brandon was feeding Aishah and they looked well, what the CCPs call "cute" . Ugh barf. 😤😡😣😠🙄🙄 we get it, you guys like each other. Now I can't even eat my lunch anymore.

After Lunch, I snuck into the Janitors closet and found Chloe and Zoey anxiously waiting for me.

Nikki: I have bad news
Chloe and Zoey : What!!?
Nikki: Aishah said she and Brandon are going on a .......... date.
Chloe : No way
Nikki : Yep. The CupCakery today at 4. She had some lights in her locker then I asked her why she had them and then she told me.
Zoey: OK. Tomorrow when you and Brandon have Biology you can ask him.

The bell rings. School is over.

As I walked home from school it was 4:15 and I walked past Fuzzy Friends and then the CupCakery. I was about to pass it but then something caught my eye. Something with shaggy brown hair a cute smile with another girl!

Was Brandon on a date with Aishah!?


Dork Diaries : A Dorky Twist #Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now