Feb 24th.

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He's so beautiful, inside and out.
So smart. God. He's so intelligent. And he's so honest, about his feelings, his thoughts - all of it.
I feel like I could talk to him for hours. About anything, really. I want to listen to him speak as much as he wants to listen to me. Sometimes I feel like I have to bite back the urge to just ask him all these questions, to just know every single thing about him, just so I can truly know him. I want to know about his family. His life. How he started practising law. Why does he choose to wear red glasses? What's his middle name? All of it.

He's in the shower right now, he let me take one before him. Said something about not wanting the hot water to run out. I think mainly, Matt just understands. He listens and he takes what I say in. He isn't looking for something to fight me on, he just listens and shares. He's patient. He understands. He's so good to talk to. He seems like such a genuine person.

He's shutting the water off now. He was so kind on our date. And the entire time, it's so odd. I got this feeling that we had wasted so much time not knowing each other. I really wish we could've been good friends ages ago. I've known about him for so long, ran in almost the same circles for a few years now, alongside one another but always far enough that we never really got to know each other. Not like this, anyways. And now it just feels like we've wasted so much time not being close like this.

God. If I could be close like this, with him, forever, I think everything would be beyond perfect. 

Okay, he's out of the shower now. 

I should stop writing, we're probably going to sleep now.

I really like his eyes.

fear of god [Matt Murdock x F!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now